FSX airfields in P3D

Is this do-able?
Any tricks or warnings to share?
If they're recent FSX payware sceneries they may have updated P3D installers (Orbx for instance), check that first. If not they should still be fine. Older FSX sceneries may have some quirks if they also supply custom mesh. . .some of that may not play well with P3D. For freeware. . .again, recent scenery uploads will most likely be fine but some older scenery may use FS9 default objects and some of those no longer display correctly.
One of the problems I faced with my own few sceneries was that no taxiways were showing. An extra property, not used by FSX and called "draw surface" is needed to be checked. I have recompiled my sceneries using that for my own use using ADE but have not yet posted any updates for them. This was observed also with other freeware airports which I corrected in this way just for my own use.