FSX Flights in P3Dv4.5


Staff member
Is it possible to use FSX Flights in P3Dv4.5?
I put some Flights into C:\Users\xxx\Documents\Prepar3dv4 Files & when I selected a flight, it said that there was resources missing.

Any Ideas?

I have both sims on my system because I need to check scenery I develop in both but I just create the flight anew. Why not just recreate the flight in Little Navmap which is a free download and then save it as a Prepar3D flight. If you don't want to download Little Navmap, then just recreate in the Prepar3D Flight Planner and save it. Either way you will get a fully functional Prepar3D V4.5 flight and be able to recall it again.
I haven't been back to this post from you because I got involved with KGSP airport creation which is now complete for Prepar3D V4.5. I just did an experiment for you. You can copy and use ANY .pln flight from FSX by copying it into Prepar3D V4.5 flights. I just opened up my FT ERJ175 and loaded the flight from KCLT to KMYR that I had created two years ago for FSX and loaded it in Prepar3D V4.5 successfully. Then I uploaded it into the FMC and activated it with all the waypoints which by the way were generated in Simbrief for me back then. You can use any flight from your FSX flight plan repository. I ONLY copied the pln files not WX or FLT which I do not know if they work or not.