Now you mention it Steve, there is a legitimate question lurking here:
What to do when FS9 finally chokes and dies?
Make no mistake, FSX has had a lot of very good work done in the last five years, and even NZ is - finally - about to get a texture set that looks absolutely gorgeous.
But FSX is a payware thing...I made a sum a while ago, and to switch (I say switch not upgrade) from my maxxed-out FS9.5 install to an equivalent FSX.5 with all the scenery, planes and extras in it, will cost 10 grand or more (this includes the i7 computer, I won't settle for a performance hit in the switch, either).
10 grand, to get essentially what I have already? but a little crisper, I don't think so.
So I glumly concluded that, at the end of FS9, I'd probably just quit the flightsim scene (after 20 years) and take up lawn bowling or something.
But there's the thing: every time my attention wanders, along comes something like Duxford to blow your socks off.
And then there's these guys doing budget-level payware Canberras, SOH freeware megaprojects, and so on.
Darn, I really should get out there and mow that lawn. Not.