FSX Lockheed L-188 Electra

T Square

Charter Member
Has anyone tried the FSX Lockheed L-188 Electra by KBT in FS2004, I was going to try it but that's a lot of download (about 35 minutes on my setup) for no love if it don't work. Just from viewing the files at Flightsim.com it looks like it might, textures are all in BMP format.
I can't remember if I actually tried that one or not....but the bmp textures alone do not mean much.
The model and gauges are what I would consider the real show stoppers.
Textures are easily fixed in many cases, gauges and model are not.

If I still have the original zip I will give it a whirl and let you know.

Am I wrong in thinking this was FS9 originally and ported over to FSX? If that is the case then I'd rather seek out the original FS9 version.
No, it doesn't work. Its been compiled for 'X' only; my guess is it needs someone skilled with the model converter
thingy to recompile it for fs9; which is a real shame 'cos its a great looker.


This is slightly OT, but T Square opened the door when he mentioned the P-3.

A while back in a thread I was reading some folks mentioned that the unarmed KBT model (VP-3A) would make a nice low-budget freighter. Has anyone seen any civilian paints for that model?
You know, a VP-3 would make a nice freighter. I'm thinking Buffalo Airways. Wild Bill you seeing this? (hint hint wink wink nudge nudge):jump:
This is slightly OT, but T Square opened the door when he mentioned the P-3.

A while back in a thread I was reading some folks mentioned that the unarmed KBT model (VP-3A) would make a nice low-budget freighter. Has anyone seen any civilian paints for that model?

Only one I know of is for 'Varig' Airline; by Enrique Garcia at Avsim.


Thanks for the tip on the Varig repaint, it's nice if you're looking for a stand-in for the Electra. I'm still hoping someone might paint the model up to look like a surplus P-3 converted to civilian use "Merc Air" style.
"Merc Air" style."

Call Willy he's the Chief
:salute:. Now onto the Subject. In FSX we want a native P3 , where as in Fs2004 they want a native Fs9 L188. Hum we need a deal FSX L188 to Fs2004 and the Fs2004 P3 to FSX
I would also like the Electra in FS9, but until then I can fly a plane that is completely different in almost every way, but which feels as if it might be a small Electra.......the YS-11 :medals: !

I've used MCX for some minor conversions (certainly not for a complex flyable aircraft). You need to import the MDL file, export as 3DS, import into GMAX, and then reanimate the entire plane. You also need to replace any DDS textures with BMP versions.

A long, tedious process...

And then you have to get permission from the original authors before releasing it!