FSX P3dv4 compatability question


I have been going through the various FSX airplanes that I have and have been pleasantly surprised at many of the ones that work in P3dv4.

That being said, some of the airplanes I have expected to work don't.

Does anyone know of an easy way to figure out why they do not work?
Any aircraft with an Fs9 model is a non-starter as is any model that relies on .dlls to display, if that helps.
Not a geek, but from my own experience with mostly freeware aircrafts...
What do you mean by "do not work"? Do not display at all, do partially not display, display but various functions problems, etc...

I have been flying FS5, FS9, FSX, and now P3Dv4. Under the later opus, I had to abandon any hope regarding FS9 aircrafts, as well as FS9 ported to FSX. Generally, FSX native aircrafts do work OK, except some "active" elements (mean .gau, .dll files for instance) which need to be rewritten or recoded in 64bits mode. There are also some problems with textures (prop disks, alpha channel, etc...).
I guess this might be related to the software version and modelling type used to create the aircrafts, but can not confirm so far.

For instance, amongst the aircrafts that I had to place for good in the museum area are the MAAM-SIM R4D, Oliver Fischer Bücker Jungmann and Ju52, George Diemer amphibians and flying boats, Milton Shupe Lockheed Harpoon, SOH A-26, and various french aircrafts of the 1930-1940 era...

Blue skies
You tend to find the lower quality releases will work with little problems ie alphasim and some others as you are finding

this is mainly due to the basic and the simple coding and lack of dll files that are encountered in more modern and detailed addons

take Carenado for example, they have a copyright dll and certain gauges that require a dll file to work that is coded in 32bit unlike the basic your alphasim models

the rule of thumb, the more features a addon contains the higher the possibility of it rejecting in V4
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