Thanks, next question if you don't mind, what is the general sequence of events to get frm one to other?
First - convert the FSX model libraries using MCX - a batch convert does nicely. You'll want to do the base libraries first, of course. Be aware that some models will not convert very well, if at all. It's worth going through the files that get produced and deleting messed up models. You'll also want to convert the textures, of course.
If the libraries for the scenery you want to use won't convert, your project ends there.
Then convert the airport files using FSX2FS9. Almost all - but not quite all - airport files will convert. Be aware, though, that there is a significant danger when trying to convert something designed to be used with photoscenery that the airport file might be rudimentary at best.... you may need to fix it, which can be very annoying. Also be aware that many FSX airport files include the object placement data - you'll want to preserve all models and model placement when you do the conversion. Add all scenery libraries you convert and that the scenery might use to the ADE database before you load your converted file. Otherwise, you might lose object placement data. And if it doesn't convert, well... end of project.
Until very recently, vector scenery and photoscenery could not be converted at all. Results are kinda spotty as is. Be prepared to create your own vector masks, excludes, and flattens to use in place of what was originally there. Use Ultimate Terrain or similar quality vector scenery as a base to limit what is necessary. That's where Sbuilder comes in.
Finally, test in sim. There are always issues. Usually, the object placement data is compatible with FS9 no modifications needed. Sometimes, it isn't. When it isn't, there's no way to convert it. So - if you've converted the libraries and the airport file and have everything added to the FS9 scenery database and nothing is showing up... end of project.
Given all the possible complications with the process, it's pretty amazing that it works at all. It's even more amazing that it seems to work with almost all sceneries I've tried it with... with the limitations mentioned above, of course. It works so well that - well - I got overambitious and burnt myself out. Once I got going, I had it down to no more than about 5 minutes per airport, complete with flattens, vectors, and so on matching google earth. Might take you a while to get your groove going, though. I only got that fast after lots of practice!