FSX to Prepar3D Migration Tool


Charter Member
FSX to Prepar3D Migration Tool advertised today on FlightSim.
Has someone tried it ?? Comments ...?? Worthwhile ??
(It looks interesting .... and not at all expensive ..:icon_lol:)
Amazing Estonian looks exactly like English. :icon_lol:

ah ah ah :salute:

Well the page I had (I think was estonian) was probably telling me that there was no connection to the site .... !!
I've tried again few minutes ago and got the manual in english !!
But still looks like no one has tried it yet !!

I bought it and have used it 3-4 times so far, and every add-on has migrated over just fine. Granted, I don't expect everything to work flawlessly but it is a time saver. First time use toakes a little time to understand ehat they are doing. Basically they create a fake FSX folder but redirect everything into your P3D folder. I still have FSX installed but still used a fake FSX folder just to follow their instructions to the tee.

Only thing is is appears (haven't looked real close), it may be filling up the fake FSX folder as well as the P3D folder which, if true, could eat up valuable space real quick?

I'm using this migrator tool and so far have had no problems at all. It creates a dummy FSX install, which is enabled and disabled as required. Read the manual about when you should have it enabled or disabled. I'll say that again... read the manual about when you should have it enabled or disabled.

I've installed the following with it, and so far have found no issues:

Aerosoft's Beaver X
Aerosoft's Catalina
Iris' Vulcan
Tongass Fjords

Do NOT, however, use it with any Orbx FTX scenery that only has an FSX installer for it. Install FTX-for-FSX scenery into Microsoft FSX as you would normally, and then use Orbx' own FSX/P3D migrator tool. Of course, if you have Orbx scenery that has a P3D installer, then that can go directly into P3D ( they are gradually rolling out P3D installers for all their downloads, but it will take time ). Once that is done, install the latest Orbx libraries directly into P3D using the P3D installer that comes with it. The libraries must go directly into P3D - they wont transfer from Microsoft FSX.

Anyway, so far the Estonian migrator has made P3D add-ons painless and is probably the most essential tool you can have if you are moving over to the new simulator. Just make sure you read the manual about when you should have it enabled or disabled.
You're welcome, Italoc

Only thing is is appears (haven't looked real close), it may be filling up the fake FSX folder as well as the P3D folder which, if true, could eat up valuable space real quick?

I don't think thats the case. If you disable the migrator, and then go into Windows Explorer, you will see the fake FSX folder is 0 bytes in size, with no sub-folders. Also, if you modify an aircraft directly in P3D, for example add a paint scheme, that change shows up in the fake FSX folders too. I'm no expert and I stand to be corrected, but the aircraft is installed once, with both P3D and the migrator pointing to the same folders, and in fact thats how the migrator does its job.
Well then, something is screwy here. Right now my "fake" FSX folder is holding 38GB of data! :icon_eek: Wait a minute, as I look closer I noticed it is exactly the same amount of bytes as my P3D folder: 37,532,325kB. The fake folder has a shortcut icon? Are they duplicates, is it listing a fake number or should it say 0kB?

FYI - OK, I see what's going on now. When you have the Migrator ON is shows a fake size depicting what you have installed. The minute you turn Migrator OFF it reverts back to 0kB. Me gotcha now.