Tako_Kichi submitted a new resource:
FSX_CAF CH118108 Rescue_Milviz UH1H Redux_HD - FSX_CAF CH118108 Rescue_Milviz UH1H Redux_HD
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FSX_CAF CH118108 Rescue_Milviz UH1H Redux_HD - FSX_CAF CH118108 Rescue_Milviz UH1H Redux_HD
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This is a detailed paint of CAF CH-118108 Iroquois Rescue helicopter as it appeared at CFB Cold lake AB back in the 70's.
In this painting I have upgraded the outlines, hardware, panels etc.as well as added items such as the engine oil cooler (belly), skid tube attach screws etc. for a more finished look.
The instrument panel was also upgraded as well.
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