Fuel Consumption


Does anyone have the Cockspur Citation Mustang? (Hey it was like $3 on marketplace a while back) I like the model and cockpit but this thing is a gas hog! 10 minutes on the ground while I programed the flight plan after start, 5 minute taxi and by the time I went through 20K I'd burned half the Jet A (Started with 90% tanks and never went more than 75-80% power in the climb) Looking online it seems to be burning 20+% more than it should. In FSX/P3d I'd just start playing with the cfg settings like induced drag and fuel flow scalar. But 2020 is still a black art to me. On the flip side, I also got their Phenom 100 and it's much closer to the numbers. Decent model and cockpit. Nice, simple easy to fly and you don't need an engineering degree to figure out the swicholigy. Same for the Mustang other than the black hole fuel pumps...
I think I have it, but never really paid attention to burn rates. If it's the one I'm thinking of, I've only done a couple of short hops in it.