Fuel transfer in the MJ C-47


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I have been flying the MJ C-47v2 in P3D on my Desktop PC for some time now with no problems. I had to go on the roard for a few months so I installed everything on my laptop and everything works except I can not transfer any fuel from any tank to another. The only fuel that is used is from the main tanks. I can not transfer any from the aux tanks to the mains like I can on my home PC. Anyone have any suggestions?
Just a suggestion, but if you've flown any other aircraft on your laptop and used those as a saved flight (especially one with only a single tank setup) then the C-47 may have taken on some of the characteristics of that prior aircraft. If you have any other airplanes that function similar to the C-47, load that one, make sure the fuel transfer setup works and save it as the default flight. Not sure if that fits your scenario, but I've seen that crop up on some other aircraft.
I am not sure I have posted this on the right page of the forum. Does MJ ever read this page? He would have the most knowledge, I think. Is there a better page to post this on?