Fuel Triggers


Staff member
Can anyone suggest a tutorial or forum that might be able to point me in the right direction for placing Fuel triggers within FS9?
Depends on the type of scenery prog you use. In ScenGenX it's an option in the objects menu. You just pick a point, set the fuel types and apply the trigger -- IIRC - it's been a year since I used it.
Thanks guys, I'll take a close look at those programs and see what's what.
What kind of fuel triggers are you wanting to place Ed, maybe I can help you out....
I'm doing scenery with Instant Scenery and have a lot of airports that I want to make available for refueling (helipads, fuel stations, etc).
As far as I know, Instant Scenery can only place objects, you will need a program like SceneGenX, or the old Airport for Windows, which is what I still use. Stuck in the past, I guess.....They are easy to do with AFP tho.
Opa just posted a T&T at FlightSim on the subject (must have heard you..)

[SIZE=-1]Creating Fuel Triggers In FS2004 - An Illustrated Tutorial. Having enough fuel is critical to the successful completion of any flight. This tutorial will show you how to create invisible Fuel Trigger areas which can be used at any airport. When you place your aircraft in one of the trigger areas (a gate or fueling station) your tanks will be automatically filled. All required files are included and no programming knowledge is needed. Compiled in .DOC and .PDF formats for your flying enjoyment by David "Opa" Marshall.[/SIZE]