Fun Video ....



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Nice find WF2! I love the FX in it. How old is it? But the best are the DF manuevers.....chasing in a lag pursuit, and score hits:applause: Marvelous!

Anyway, nice one!
I have never seen Hells Angels. I must say, this is really impressive, even today (was this done in the thirties??).

Thanks for posting!
looks much better without playing across leonardo de caprios butt.....
capn rick
Ah the stark desert scrublands of Central Europe.

Oh Howard you wacky guy you.
Ah the stark desert scrublands of Central Europe.

Oh Howard you wacky guy you.
Yup the only thing that kinda sucks in Hells Angels is that you can tell from the first sight that the landscape is not middle Europe but southern California.

The DVD of Hell's Angels can be yours for $11 that's $4 less then I paid, a few years ago. Some of the worst cornball acting I've ever seen.
But the Best arial footage ever shot, those were the days before CGI and Blue Screens. And a Zepplin segment that can't be topped, complete with the Zepplin Commandant, with the duelling scar, he keeps talking like OVS.

Interesting story, it's rather an expensive job to have film redone onto modern film ( old stuff turns to dust in 50 years ). But Hughes thought this one as special, because he produced it in 1930. So he dipped into his own rather deep pockets, and had the job done.

As it is, it's the only film surviving of the era, the rest have turned to dust. I believe Hughes had it done in 58, the DVD came much later
Ah the stark desert scrublands of Central Europe.

Oh Howard you wacky guy you.

LOL!!!! I was thinking the same thing.... what the hell!! It's in the desert!

Wrong markings for the D.VII, wrong landscape.. the Germans did NOT fly in V-Formations.... all wrong...

But still, if you can get it.. it's a great movie. The cinematography is fantastic.... especially since it's all REAL!!
