Funny problem just appeared


Charter Member
Just had an interesting development. I'm having trouble with one aircraft, the FS-KBT EP-3E Aires II for FS9. It has been awhile since I flew it, so I took off in it yesterday.
  • First off, it wouldn't develop power on takeoff, only getting to 80% rpm.
  • Tried switching to it inflight from the P-3C, aircraft went nuts, engines fluxing and then sim locked up. Had to use task manager to get out.
  • I went into the Aircraft config and pasted the engine and prop sections from the P-3C which is working fine.
  • Tried it again, shortly after takeoff and gear up, a minute or so, the engines fluxed wildly, aircraft pitched down and left and the sim locked up (does this every time). Had to use task manager to get out.
  • Tried changing panels, no joy, still did it. Tried selecting different paints and both models (VC and non VC), still no joy!
  • Down loaded fresh copy of the EP-3E from Avsim and Fltsim. Unzipped and tried to run the installer and got a "not compatible with OS warning" both times!

Very strange, it appears no other aircraft are affected. I've been running Win 7 the last three years on this machine and have flown this bird before, which is why I don't understand this. The only thing I have done is add two new paints.

Hate to give up on this aircraft, any ideas? I haven't done any updates recently or anything else that I can think off.

(Slowly) downloading from FlightSim, but It will be a little bit before I can test.
OK - I also got the OS error. I clicked to close that dialog, then Windows asked me if the program had installed correctly. Instead of just closing that, I chose the option of trying the install again, and this time it ran fine. Next step will be flight testing...
I just took a quick flight from Chicago Midway to Meigs Field. I hand flew it the entire way, which I'll be the first to admit that I'm not very good at. But this thing, although it never did try to crash, was a bear to handle. Then it dawned on me. FSKBT is (in)famous for grossly over-inflated pitch/roll/yaw MOI figures. I haven't taken it back up yet, but these are my new figures based on Wikipedia's listed empty weight and dimensions fed into my little spreadsheet with the MS MOI formulas:

reference_datum_position=0.000, 0.000, 0.000
empty_weight_CG_position=0.000, 0.000, 0.000
empty_weight=77200 //66900.000
empty_weight_roll_MOI=412800 //1035601.000
empty_weight_pitch_MOI=1304680 //1371652.000
empty_weight_yaw_MOI=1180282 //1732934.000
Just had an interesting development. I'm having trouble with one aircraft, the FS-KBT EP-3E Aires II for FS9. It has been awhile since I flew it, so I took off in it yesterday.
  • First off, it wouldn't develop power on takeoff, only getting to 80% rpm.
  • Tried switching to it inflight from the P-3C, aircraft went nuts, engines fluxing and then sim locked up. Had to use task manager to get out.
  • I went into the Aircraft config and pasted the engine and prop sections from the P-3C which is working fine.
  • Tried it again, shortly after takeoff and gear up, a minute or so, the engines fluxed wildly, aircraft pitched down and left and the sim locked up (does this every time). Had to use task manager to get out.
  • Tried changing panels, no joy, still did it. Tried selecting different paints and both models (VC and non VC), still no joy!
  • Down loaded fresh copy of the EP-3E from Avsim and Fltsim. Unzipped and tried to run the installer and got a "not compatible with OS warning" both times!

Very strange, it appears no other aircraft are affected. I've been running Win 7 the last three years on this machine and have flown this bird before, which is why I don't understand this. The only thing I have done is add two new paints.

Hate to give up on this aircraft, any ideas? I haven't done any updates recently or anything else that I can think off.


If its not the panel/gauges causing this, and not an AP left on with AT from a jet, then try copying the P-3C air file over to test.
Free advice... When taking off from Meigs, REDUCE FUEL!!! :173go1:

I did get off the ground with 100% fuel, but just barely! Before my approach to O'Hare, I reduced to 10% fuel, and it still felt like a lead brick trying to balance out my descent. But at least it now handles like (what I would imagine to be) something smaller than Antonov 226!

Bottom line, do a fresh install. If the installer balks at the OS, click the OK/Close/whatever button and let W7 ask if it went right, then tell it to try again. Plug in some smaller MOI #'s to get the handling under control, then try it again.

Edit: If you suspect a gauge, try this... Head over to Garry's place and pick up Mike Stone's Britannia. Drop the panel into the EP-3 folder and edit the config to use that in one of the no-VC variants. To my knowledge, nobody has ever reported any issues with Mike's gauges.
Hey Guys,

Reinstall worked great and it flies right! Thanks for the assist. Don't have any idea how the original got corrupted, but all's well that ends well!
