Fw 190A Advanced Cockpit Animations Module Released


Charter Member
We've certainly had a great December this year with Nigel and Rene's new Spitfires, new vehicles from Renatus, the new Fw 190A series, and Clive's Hampden. Is there room for one more gift under the tree?:santahat:


I've just uploaded the Fw 190A Advanced Animations Module for the recently released Fw 190A series. This will add new features and animations to the cockpit of each aircraft included in the original release of the Fw 190A package including:

-Working ammunition counters.
-Working elevator trim indicator.
-Engine primer pump animation.
-Cooling louvre hand crank animation.
-Air screw control mode switch animation.
-Inertia starter energizer handle animation.
-Bomb release handle animation.
-Emergency undercarriage extension handle animation.

None of these things have been implemented in a CFS3 aircraft until now!

You will need SJ_CFS3_FW190A_files_13-12-17.zip installed including the optional Module files for this add-on to work. Get it here: http://www.sim-outhouse.com/sohforums/local_links.php?catid=84

New Cockpit Animations by Stephen (Sdsbolt) Seybolt
New Cockpit Textures by John (Bravo/4) Whelan
New Cockpit Animations Coding by Daniel (Gecko) Holtz
Testing by Stephen (Sdsbolt) Seybolt, John (Bravo/4) Whelan, Rob (Capt. Winters) Stevenson, and Daniel (Gecko) Holtz

Happy Flying and Merry Christmas! Thanks to all of you who help make this sim so much fun!

In my version of the folder "4.Fw 190A AHK module Advanced Animations" I only have :
-modules folder
I do not have
  • events.xml
  • FW 190A module.xca
Sorry, that was a mistake in the readme. Those two files are part of the main Fw 190 package. You do not need new ones so long as you installed them earlier.
Something is wrong, when I try to use this feature with default animation , I get this message.
Also when I open the game I do not have aircraft names with *


  • FW 190.jpg
    FW 190.jpg
    52.6 KB · Views: 8
1. Do any of the other default options work? At any rate, your default module is missing an exe, you will need to re-install it from the original Fw 190 package. The files are located in the 5 Fw 190A AHK Module\Combat Flight Simulator 3\modules\fw_190a folder of that download.

2. Did you install the aircraft from the advanced animations package? You need them to be able to see the new animations.
Assuming you installed the contents of the 4 Ankor shader and effect specific files folder, you still have to switch on the gunsight once you're flying, which is different from what we're all used to, but a bit more realistic. Press SHIFT+[ or SHIFT+] to switch the gunsight on and off. The gunsight is also dimmable, using CTRL+[ and CTRL+]. The manuals and pilots notes have a lot of useful info like this if you've not looked at them yet.
Yea Dan, that looks like he's not using the advanced module aircraft model to me, I made the same mistake during testing.

This module may seem a bit of a fiddle gosd, and I know a few won't even attempt to try it, but once you are up to speed with it, you'll never want to go back, so much more immersive. Watching the ammo counters go down is just brilliant!
Bravo/4 where is the ammo counter in the cockpit? Got most of it sorted-out, it's brillant !:encouragement::encouragement:
As Dan say's all info is in the manuals, they are very helpful, and well put together!

Main counter is to the left of the gun sight, four ribbons, these count the cowl and inner wing guns, the outer wing guns (if fitted) that counter is below between your legs, these are numerical counters!
All is working now I take it? Glad you're enjoying it!

There is a Spitfire in the works (see John's screenshots), the 190 needs some opposition!