FW190A1 to A4 aircraft set

Capt. Winters

Charter Member
Hi All,

On behalf of Steve Seybolt, John Whelan, Dan Holtz and myself the new FW190A 1 to 4 series aircraft set has been uploaded.

once admins approve it will show in the CFS3 aircraft - German aircraft section.

take the time to explore the set, each plane type has the subtle differences built into the visual model, they have varying FM files and individual weapon loads set, all to the time frame of the unit/squadron it is depicting. There are some really nice special additions to this aircraft set that bring the immersion factor right up if you chose to install them. there are some new weapon effects for rockets and cluster bombs, and with the Ankor shaders applied dynamic gun sights, texture bump mapping and a host of other visual improvements.

anyway we hope you enjoy them.

regards Rob.

Details of the set and installation instructions (these are included with the download set, just putting here so people can have a read while waiting for download).

CFS3 Focke Wulfe-190 A1-A4 series Aircraft set.

A-1 (early)
A-1 (Late) engine cowling cooling slots introduced to partially address engine over heating issues.

A-2 (U3) introduction center bomb rack 250kg, 500kg. outer wing armament removed. (technically not a true U3, thus armed planes would go on to be designated as A2 until the concept had been proven, the A3/U3 being the first such designation).

A-3 U3 Jabo center bomb rack 50kg, 250kg, 500kg and or 300lt drop tank. outer wing armament removed.

A-4 (Late) same as A4 with new cooling louvers introduced instead of slots, this became standard on A5 and beyond. Some planes fitted with the first of the wing mounted 300lt drop tanks which would become the U8 designation.

A-4 R6 wing mounted Br21cm rocket mortars.

A-4 U3 Jabo center bomb rack 50kg, 250kg, 500kg or center 300lt drop tank. outer wing armament removed.

A-4 Tropical, introduction of dust filters on air intakes.
A-4 U3 Tropical Jabo, introduced center bomb rack 250kg or center 300lt drop tank. outer wing armament removed.

A-4 U4 Armed camera recon fighter, fuselage mounted camera's and wing gun camera, center 300lt drop tank. outer wing armament removed.

A-4 U8 Jabo Fast fighter-bomber, center bomb rack 50kg, 250kg, 500kg. introduced standard wing mounted 300lt drop tanks. removed all armament except for the wing-root cannons.

A-4 U8 (Late) Jabo Fast fighter-bomber, center bomb rack 50kg, 250kg, 500kg. wing mounted 300lt drop tanks. removed all armament except for the wing-root cannons, based off the A4-late production model with cooling louvers instead of slots.

The represented Fw190A-4 series aircraft also have a mix of full-power and de-rated engines. de-rating the engines was an effort to overcome engine over heating issues in the early use of the A-4 up intil late 1942. (completely new FM's developed for each variant) The set represents squadrons and aircraft ranging in time from mid-1941 through to early 1944 and encompasses the main user's and all mission types employed.

The total package contains 45 Fw190A1 to A4 series aircraft which are broken into 2 groups covering 16 different model/variants.

Group 1. ETO - France, Netherlands, Norway, Germany, Russia.

35 aircraft
- 5 x Mk-A1 early.
- 2 x Mk-A1 Late.

- 6 x Mk-A2 .
- 1 x Mk-A2 first use of center-line bombs. outer wing armament removed.

- 4 x Mk-A3 .
- 2 x Mk-A3 U3 JaBo. outer wing armament removed.

- 5 x Mk-A4 .
- 4 x Mk-A4 Late.
- 1 x Mk-A4 R6 rocket armed interceptor.
- 1 x Mk-A4 U3 JaBo, outer wing armament removed.
- 1 x Mk-A4 Late U3 JaBo, outer wing armament removed.
- 1 x Mk-A4 U4 recon camera.
- 1 x Mk-A4 Late R6 rocket armed interceptor, with drop tank.
- 1 x Mk-A4 Late U8 Jabo Intruder.

Group 2. MTO - Italy, Sicily, Tunisia, Libya.

10 aircraft
- 4 x Mk-A4 .
- 2 x Mk-A4 tropical.
- 1 x Mk-A4 U3 JaBo Tropical.
- 1 x Mk-A4 late - experimental center bomb racks.
- 1 x Mk-A4 late U3 Jabo - experimental wing drop tanks U8 Intruder.
- 1 x Mk-A4 late U8 Jabo Intruder.

The individual aircraft names start with SJE_ (ETO) SJM_ (MAW) just to help identify which thearter of operations they belong too.
please note aircraft will display in the following country lists in game: Germany.

The following people are responsible for the package:

External model originally built by Jason Ohonowskyj as an A8, then converted rebuilt and upgraded by Stephen (Sdsbolt) Seybolt into multiple versions.

cfs3 Virtual Cockpit model originally by Jonn (Dancat) Pratt, with some parts from Luca (Sixghost) Festari's excellent Me109 model. Then converted rebuilt and significantly upgraded by Stephen (Sdsbolt) Seybolt into multiple versions.

Textures External by John (Bravo/4) Whelan.
Textures Virtual cockpit by John (Bravo/4) whelan, with some shared files by Luca (Sixghost) Festari (from Bf109E/F vc texture set).
Textures Gauges by Ted (Nachtpiloten) Kaniuka, John (Bravo/4) whelan, Daniel (Gecko) Holtz, Tibor (BorekS) Stilz. (o2 gauge from Me163) and stock CFS3.

Mos File by Daniel (Gecko) Holtz.

XDP compilation, historical content, plane set construction by Rob (Capt. Winters) Stevenson.

Flight Models By Daniel (Gecko) Holtz. Based off AvHistory Fw190-A3, with extensive tweaking for each new model.

Effects (weapons, engine and damage) by Daniel (Gecko) Holtz.

Weapons and pylons by AvHistory, Stephen (Sdsbolt) Seybolt, Rob (Capt. Winters) Stevenson, Daniel (Gecko) Holtz. with new textures by John (Bravo/4) Whelan.

New Engine sounds by Daniel (Gecko) Holtz.

Help files by Daniel (Gecko) Holtz.

Optional Shaders for Ankors scenery work by Daniel (Gecko) Holtz.

Optional Externally run Engine Module System scripts by Daniel (Gecko) Holtz.

Testing: Brav0/4, Geko, Sdsbolt, Capt. Winters.

Freeware items not to be loaded onto any web site without the written permission of Steve Seybolt.


Note: if installed into stock CFS3 the following addons should be installed:

*Avhistory Weapons Set.

If installed into ETO, PTO, Rising Sun or MAW addons then no extra files are required.

**************INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS.***********************

Unzip to a temporary folder:

You will see the following folders:

1. Generic to all install files - Contains folders:
Aircraft (shared files, help files and engine sounds folders)

Place aircraft folders into the corrisponding games main aircraft folder.
Place Pylon files into games main pylon folder. (allow to overwrite if asked)
Place weapon files into games main weapon folder. (allow to overwrite if asked)
Place gun files into games main guns folder. (allow to overwrite if asked)
Place sound files into games main sounds folder. (allow to overwrite if asked)
Place fxtextures files into games main effects folder. (allow to overwrite if asked)

In all cases where you are asked to overwrite say yes as included are the latest files from the AvHistory weapons and sounds set and previous aircraft sets released by Steve Seybolt and team.

There is also several text files with edits for effects, sounds, and preload files located in the parent directory for each CFS3 install you may have.

2. ETO specific files - Contains:
Aircraft, and optional preload file.

3. MAW specific files - Contains:
Aircraft, and optional preload file.

4. Ankor shader and effect's texture specific files.

5. Optional- External programming module to enable more accurate engine start sequences and engine management controls. includes engine failure routines for miss-handled engine management in game. read instructions included for set up carefully.
It will seem duanting at first but its actually very easy to set up and use, and adds a lot to the authenticity of the aircraft and a sense of realism to the start sequence rather than simply pressing the "E" key.

6. Optional Mission files. simple combat mission set in Europe. two versions included, one for ETO requires no extra files. One for stock CFS3 requires downoad of "3gb_Spitfire5B_F_OUH" which can be found at SOH under the AvHistory British aircraft section.

*********************SETTING UP NEW GUN SOUNDS**************************************

..............ADDING SOUND TO YOUR OWN SOUNDS.XML FILE..................

To get the sounds for the new weapons you need to add text to the bottom of the sound file. open the sound file and scroll down to the bottom.

Now open the supplied file called: ADD TO soundsXML.

You need to copy the supplied text (everything including the title <START_FW_190A_SOUNDS_SEPTEMBER_1_2017/>) and put it above the last line that says </SoundDescriptions>

*********************SETTING UP NEW EFFECTS FILE*************************************

Editing the main game effects.xml file for new effects to work. You need to add new lines of text to the bottom of your efects file. Make a back up copy of your games effects file.

open the effects file (with notepad) and scroll to the bottom of the effects file. the last entry you see is: </Effects>

Now open the supplied file called: ADD TO effctsXML.

You need to copy the supplied text (everything including the title <START_GECKO_FW_190A_EFFECTS_SEPTEMBER_1_2017/>) and put it above the last line that says </Effects>

Now save and close the effects file. REMEMBER make a back up of your effects file before you do this step in case you stuff it up.......

In game if you find that German aircraft firing the 20mm cannon have white squares instead of blue/yellow tracer then use the alternate set of effects edits called:

**********************OPTIONAL PRELOAD XML FILE*****************************************

The preload file helps with game play by preloading listed textures into system memory. this stops micro puases and small white squares from displaying (for split second) the first time the game uses the texture in an effect sequence.

For people who are not comfortable editing their own files I have included two preload files with the required FW190 package entries already inserted:

1 from my heavily modified ETO 1.5 install, and should run in all installs of CFS3 except MAW.
1 from my MAW install, this should function in any MAW install.
Simply replace your original preload file with the supplied version for each game setup.

If you wish to edit your own game preload file, open it with note pad and place each entry from the "ADD to preload" document into your games preload file. add them in alphabetical order, this makes it easier to keep track of whats been added and what hasnt should you need to add more entries in the future.

the file is located in the parent folder of each installation of CFS3 that you may have.

Note: the larger the preload file the longer the game takes to start on first initiation. remember back up your original files before doing any edits.

..............In game player views............................................................

Pilot Views - using F6 to cycle through:
Defualt view - Pilot view.
2nd view - Gunsight view. (if using TrakIR you wont be able move your eye point in this view with TrakIR. Rather stay in Defualt view 1 and move your head to align gun sight.)
3rd view - Instrument view.

Radiator Louvers: open = Shift+E
close = Ctl+E
Only used on the A-4 late production aircraft.

Updated dynamic reflector sight effect. (If using the Ankor shader effects)
The gun sight now starts out turned off and must be turned on using SHIFT + ] or SHIFT + [.

Freeware Item not to be loaded onto any web site without the written permission of Steve Seybolt.

copyright 2017.


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Wow! I have to thank everyone involved for this, and the
more than a dozen years of enjoyment and excitement!
Rob, you're the glue that has been keeping it going.
Cheers :applause:
Having trouble: after downloding the file I get a invalide zip file message when trying to open.
I had no problems with it. But when that happens you can usually correct it by using Winrar to open, extract and then re-package everything as either a rar or zip. file.
I had no problems and everything worked. What a great addon, and my favorite plane.

THANKS for the work.
Has anyone tried flying with the module yet? I'm curious to hear how people are getting on with it.
Very nicely done indeed! Thanks to all who contributed.

But... I've had the yellow tracer bug, not with German aircraft but RAF Spitfires. Using the other effects.xml changed nothing - in the end, I deleted the new yellow tracer dds files and went back to the original AvHistory ones. Any ideas?
Got downloaded and working GREAT STUFF !:encouragement: The mission provided with the package is very immersive. One should be done with the spits attacking the FW190 . I will give it a try.
Thanks to everyone that participated in this project.:applause::encouragement::biggrin-new:
Many thanks to all involved for this excellent work of art.:ernaehrung004:

Very exciting to have all of these and hope for more aircraft with this quality.:jump:
Steve, John, and Rob really upped the bar on this one visually. I never thought of the 190 as a particularly photogenic aircraft, until now! Really great job guys.
Hi guys,

What a fantastic aircraft! And a load of ' em too!
I haven't tried the autohotkey-feature yet. I am a bit apprehensive, as I don't have a US-style keyboard and setting up my normal .xca already gives me headaches (eg. I had to find the reticule on/off key through trial and error because the normal SHIFT+[ combination does not work for me).

I got her up an down in on piece and even managed to shot down a Spit in the included misison. There are two small snags, however: The Spit shot white cubes at me (I haven't tried the additional tracer bug effects file yet, as I assumed it had to do with the Fw 190 itself shooting cubes, not other aircraft) and my WIP P-47 spews smoke at any altitude (what has changed with the contrails?)

A worthy addition!!
wow weee thank you all from canada its a set of the era,,,,

yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeehaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa thnank you
The white cubes issue seems to be a common one, I've never been able to duplicate the issue on my PC, so I have no idea what actually causes it. The culprit files are tracerend5yellow.dds and tracerside5yellow.dds. All versions work fine for me, but that isn't the case for everyone, you could try swapping that file from an install that doesn't have this issue and see if it works.

I confess I hadn't thought about the possibility that non-US keyboards wouldn't work with Autohotkey, it seems quite likely to me that some or all features won't work correctly. I will look into this issue and see if there is a way to find what the differences are and account for them. What kind of keyboard are you using? Is it physically different from a US one, or is it just the input language that is different?
The white cubes issue seems to be a common one, I've never been able to duplicate the issue on my PC, so I have no idea what actually causes it. The culprit files are tracerend5yellow.dds and tracerside5yellow.dds. All versions work fine for me, but that isn't the case for everyone, you could try swapping that file from an install that doesn't have this issue and see if it works.

I confess I hadn't thought about the possibility that non-US keyboards wouldn't work with Autohotkey, it seems quite likely to me that some or all features won't work correctly. I will look into this issue and see if there is a way to find what the differences are and account for them. What kind of keyboard are you using? Is it physically different from a US one, or is it just the input language that is different?

I am using a Norwegian keyboard (so I don't have to remember the ALT codes for Ø, Æ and Å) which is physically different from a US one - keys in different places. For me, the gunsight switch is SHIFT+\ instead of SHIFT+[.
BTW, I am not saying that Autohotkey doesn't work, it is just a matter of finding out what key does what.
Hi guys,

There are two small snags, however: The Spit shot white cubes at me (I haven't tried the additional tracer bug effects file yet, as I assumed it had to do with the Fw 190 itself shooting cubes, not other aircraft)

Hi Frosty,

There is a set of alternate effects file entries for people who have the tracer bug. but if your still having trouble beyond that, in the \effects\fxtextures folder you'll find the files Geko is speaking about. I left a copy of the original files in the upload package. just change the names and you should be good to go.


regards Rob.


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Ah, so it seems it's a matter of figuring out the different keys and then everything ought to work. Good luck to you, let me know if I can clarify anything. I tried to be thorough in the readme, but I didn't have this in mind when I wrote it.
Have downloaded and installed the package, simply WOW! What a stunning model and textures, well done and many thanks to all you guys that have been involved. :applause::applause::applause:

Every bit as good, if not better than many payware aircraft.

