G activated wing tip contrails


Charter Member
I want to get G activated contrails to work on the F-117 is there an easy way to add these I know you need a guage and an entry in lights or smoke section so I take them off another plane and they never work can somebody give me a run down on how to do this as easy as possible Thanks
I can't exactly give you a step by step of how to do it but you are basically on the right track with what you have mentioned.
You will need the gauge entry in your panel.cfg that controls the effect. I am guessing as long as it is only for your personal use you can copy that from another plane where the effect works.
Then in the aircraft.cfg section you will need to add the effect as either a light or smoke (depends on the one you use) effect and in case of a light ensure proper numbering and location.

It may help if you clarify how they don't work. Not at all or just not in the right spots ??
If you pick a plane from your hanger that has all the effects you want, find out which effects control gauge it uses from the panel.cfg under the first Vcockpit entry, if your lucky it will have an easily identifyable name :d nick it and hotwire it into your 117. then study the aircraft cfg of the original plane and nick the light sections for the effects, they should be easier to spot, re-sequence the lights x numbers, and then it's a case of trial and error to get them positioned right, tweak here, test, tweak there, test again, and so forth. Of coarse if you are lucky enough to have the now unavailable ACM proggy, it's childs-play.
Forgive my ignorance but what is the ACM programme? Sounds like a useful utility but not heard of it.


Thanks JD I've got it working great now the only thing it won't do is give a trail if I am heading downward can this be fixed also they only appear under 12000FT sound correct
Forgive my ignorance but what is the ACM programme? Sounds like a useful utility but not heard of it.



sorry Brian, it's 'Aircraft container manager', an ex-payware proggy that has long been lost, no way to get hold of it now. A huge pity as it is VERY useful.

Thanks JD I've got it working great now the only thing it won't do is give a trail if I am heading downward can this be fixed also they only appear under 12000FT sound correct


both conditions may be dependant on your effect controller gauge of choice, goes this happen on the plane the gauge came with? If it is a stand-alone gauge check the readme for details. I'm not sure if my controller of choice does this, hadn't noticed :redf: Off to check,
