K5066 was converted / demilitarised from a 626 after WW2 by Southern Aircraft Ltd, at Gatwick, registered as G-AHVO it ended its' days at Pebsham airfield,Hastings. Accounts as to the colour vary (there is only 1 monochrome picture of it on the web) from black / battleship grey to blue. And as to its' fate, again varies between being broken up on site, having been attractive to animals,to taken away in pieces and the fuselage being seen in Ramsgate. The registration was recorded cancelled in 1950.
As overall black doesn't work that well in sim, I've gone for blue , and left the townend ring and undercart legs au naturel for some 'bling'.
Uploaded and in the library as a 2-pack with G-AFZW
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