Gah!! Wtf!!!


Charter Member
:mixedsmi:Well, got the Dell S2209W monitor for my PC on Wednsday, and well, My graphics chipset is still stock, becuase I just got my new computer and well, I can't even Play FS9 (the monitor runs at 1980X1080) without incredible lag or, FS9 just not even working wihout a new Card. I have a Compaq Presario with 2.5Ghz dual-core prossessor and 3 gigs of ram, 320 gig hard drive and a Nvidia GeForce 6150SE Graphics Chipset. I get (maxed out) 30-40 FPS in New York, but this monitor is too much for the little card. What graphics card would you reccomend. I was thinking the Geforce 9800GT OC. some pictures. it's a 22 inch widescreen LCD running at a mx resolution of 1980X1080. And some pics of the computer's label for specs lol.
sorry, for some reason it wouldn't let me edit. the only program (game) i can run in full screen is halo 1. In fs9 I have to run in half screen and when I do I can't change veiws, it just stays in the 2d panel, but the sound of the exterior (spot-plane) veiw plays, even though nothing is moving, so to get something to happen I have to adjust the window slightly. :banghead:
I have a 9800GTX in mine. Running FS9 at 1600x12000 with all sliders right @ 50-60 FPS...
Yeah, I wasn't 100% decided on the GT OC version, but I want a 9xxx series. preferably 9800 somthin'. Oh, what are the dimensions of your 9800GTX? it's needs to be 1" tall or less.
Check for driver updates. But I would definitely go for an add-on card rather than the onboard chip.
actaully I do have the latest drivers, got 'em yesterday, that didn't cut it, so I got the latest drivers for my monitor, neither did that, then I changed the resolution to 1074X768. that just made it blurrie. And FS still had troubles so now I'm just looking for size and dimensions for the 9800 GT OC.
Honestly don't know what the dimensions are as mine as a aftermarket cooler on it....I know it does not take up more than one slot though....
okay, well, I'm gonna spend a while on Google, if any one has em... just P.M. me or post here, PM is a better chance of reaching me, gonna be gone for a while. Thanks guys.
I got a GTX 280 for Chrimbo - it is truly excellent. Far better than then the 8800GTX it replaces. Was never happy with the 8800 but the 280 is top.

I got a GTX 280 for Chrimbo - it is truly excellent. Far better than then the 8800GTX it replaces. Was never happy with the 8800 but the 280 is top.

yes, but it's exspensive as all hell on my budget right now (school crap) and am trying to stay below 200 $. plus it definantly ownt fit. there is 1.3 inches of clearance between the PCI and PCI-e 2.0 slot.
yes, but it's exspensive as all hell on my budget right now (school crap) and am trying to stay below 200 $. plus it definantly ownt fit. there is 1.3 inches of clearance between the PCI and PCI-e 2.0 slot.

The 280 I have from BFG is no bigger than the 8800 it replaces. What caused me problems was the 6 and 8 pin power connections. My old 8800 was two sixes. Oops. New power supply installed as well. Need a new mobo now! And that probably means memory as well - and while I'm at it I may as well do the processor.... Jeez - it never stops.

gah, not waht i meant, I meant if you were looking at it from the side. The 9800GT OC is about that. I guess I got it, I forgot that most of the PCI-E is inverted on this motherboard (tis wierd) so it'll fit. sorry for cuasing you guys all this trouble over some stupid little mistake.:isadizzy:
Ah I understand now. The spacing between card of course is the spacing between slots and that, in a modern computer should allow for any modern video card..
I bought a 9800GT a month or so ago. One thing to watch out for: That card needs a second power supply. The bus does not supply enough. I found an unused power connector in the case and plugged it it - its great!
