Game freezing



I'm having a lot of trouble with the game freezing up on me during missions. I'd say it occurs about 40% of the time. I'll be flying along and then the game will just lock up. Sound will continue to loop but the game is totally unresponsive and I have to used CTRL-ALT-DEL to get out and shut it down in task manager.

My system is:
Intel 9550 Quad core 2.83 MHz
ATI 4870 1GM graphics card (now with Cat 9.2 drivers)
Vista 64 bit
SoundMAX onboard audio

I've had the issue with Cat 8.12, 9.1, and now 9.2 drivers.
I don't have anything running in the background other than TrackIR and Avast antivirus.

Any ideas on how to improve stability?
I feel your pain

Bogarty....We have greatly differing systems but if it helps any, read my posts on computer crashing a few threads down. The folks here are fantastic and will do all they can to help.
Try updating the sound card drivers first bogarty.
If terrain or scenery sliders are on 5, put them on 4.
Run dxdiag and lower your sound acceleration a notch or two. Also, check memory for a bad stick.
I have the latest drivers for the sound card, memory is fine, and the GPU is not overheating. I tried cranking back audio from full to basic acceleration but I still get freeze-ups. Same with lowering sliders to 4. (As a side note, I found that lowering the sliders from 5 to 4 really slows things down when first starting up at the airfield. Trying to pan around with Track IR or numpad is really jerky for about 20-30 seconds until [I presume] all the scenery is loaded.)
It's a proven fact, sliders on 5 for Scenary and Terrian you're looking for trouble. Looks like you found some. :faint:
Bogarty, don't have any ideas if the system is 100% perfect. It does sounds like mem issue though. Did you actually run memory testers, or remove 2 dimms and try it then swap too?
Try terrain on 3 see if it lasts longer. Try sound turned off?
I have the latest drivers for the sound card, memory is fine, and the GPU is not overheating. I tried cranking back audio from full to basic acceleration but I still get freeze-ups. Same with lowering sliders to 4. (As a side note, I found that lowering the sliders from 5 to 4 really slows things down when first starting up at the airfield. Trying to pan around with Track IR or numpad is really jerky for about 20-30 seconds until [I presume] all the scenery is loaded.)

On board sound is my bet even with updated drivers based on numerous similar lock up complaints I've seen/read on various game forums. You might try disabling onboard sound in Device Manager (or whatever it's called in VISTA) and see what happens.
Bogarty, don't have any ideas if the system is 100% perfect. It does sounds like mem issue though. Did you actually run memory testers, or remove 2 dimms and try it then swap too?
Try terrain on 3 see if it lasts longer. Try sound turned off?

I ran memory testers with PC Wizard 2008, but I haven't pulled them.

Over50, Sound is my suspicion as well. I tried sticking my Audigy card from my XP machine into the new one, but Vista doesn't play well with it.
I ran memory testers with PC Wizard 2008, but I haven't pulled them.

Over50, Sound is my suspicion as well. I tried sticking my Audigy card from my XP machine into the new one, but Vista doesn't play well with it.

Yeah, wonderful Vista... :bs:

And if memory serves me correct what originally was a free Audigy sound card Vista compatible driver update from Creative isn't now. Again, disabling the onboard sound was what I would try were it me.
You may have to disable the on board sound from your bios at boot up to be sure.
Also, try shutting down your virus checker and see what happens. Also turn off any screen savers and any other power saver shut down settings, just to be sure.
Well, I disabled onboard sound, shut down anti virus, and dialled the sliders back to 2 and it locked up 3 times in a row. Getting very frustrated with this purchase now.
Well, I disabled onboard sound, shut down anti virus, and dialled the sliders back to 2 and it locked up 3 times in a row. Getting very frustrated with this purchase now.

Well, don't give up, the purchase was worth it, it's something not right in your system setup or with the install. Almost everyone else who has installed has had no problems, your's is rare, but we're here to help.

Guys.. could it be something to do with his graphics card setup? "ATI 4870 1GM graphics card"
BTW did you try setting CFS3.exe to run in XP compatibility mode, just a thought could be something on your system in Vista that's not happy.
Also might help to check in the Event Viewer of Windows right after a lock up and tell us what happened? Some of the higher up techs here might be able to decifer the problem.

Right click My Computer --> Manage --> Event Viewer Check in the Application and System lists for anything with an "!" error notice. Copy them and past in a reply here.
It appears to have something to do with the map. It isn't always the case, but it seems to freeze most frequently whenever I call the map up.

I'll give XP mode a whirl.
Faulting application CFS3.exe, version, time stamp 0x3e3ebe85, faulting module MFC70.DLL, version 7.0.9466.0, time stamp 0x3c36f60b, exception code 0xc0000005, fault offset 0x0000f0e7, process id 0x1a74, application start time 0x01c9926a24d81760.
Double-click on the red exclamation point and a more detailed message should pop up. There should be a button to allow you to copy the message to clipboard. Then you can post it on this thread.
Log Name: Application
Source: Application Error
Date: 2/19/2009 12:25:44 AM
Event ID: 1000
Task Category: (100)
Level: Error
Keywords: Classic
User: N/A
Computer: Michael-PC
Faulting application CFS3.exe, version, time stamp 0x3e3ebe85, faulting module MFC70.DLL, version 7.0.9466.0, time stamp 0x3c36f60b, exception code 0xc0000005, fault offset 0x0000f0e7, process id 0x1a74, application start time 0x01c9926a24d81760.
Event Xml:
<Event xmlns="">

- Provider

[ Name] Application Error

- EventID 1000

[ Qualifiers] 0

Level 2

Task 100

Keywords 0x80000000000000

- TimeCreated

[ SystemTime] 2009-02-19T08:25:44.000Z

EventRecordID 7686

Channel Application

Computer Michael-PC

- EventData









Log Name: Application
Source: Application Error
Date: 2/19/2009 12:25:44 AM
Event ID: 1000
Task Category: (100)
Level: Error
Keywords: Classic
User: N/A
Computer: Michael-PC
Faulting application CFS3.exe, version, time stamp 0x3e3ebe85, faulting module MFC70.DLL, version 7.0.9466.0, time stamp 0x3c36f60b, exception code 0xc0000005, fault offset 0x0000f0e7, process id 0x1a74, application start time 0x01c9926a24d81760.
Event Xml:
<Event xmlns="">

Did a Google search for MFC70.DLL and came up with this

Of note, the security update for this does not apply to Vista according to the KB info. This brings the question, did you upgrade from XP to Vista or is it a fresh install of Vista?