Game play and View Questions


The Bordeaux-Red Baron
About the views:
When I travel on patrol, I use glide view, as it feels more natural to me, and I can check all areas of the sky and below much better. But in combat, I change to the 5 static views, cause it just takes too long for glide view to get from forward to rear left (or right).
Question 1: can that speed be adjusted and made faster somehow?
Question 2: with TrackIR 4, would a change of view from straight forward to rear left, be immediate, if I wanted - as quick, as I can REALLY turn my head?
(Or - no, better: like a twenty-year-old REALLY can? -lol!).

About combat situations:
When the three of my planes bump into 4 - 5 not too dangerous opponents, I would prefer to shoot down as many as possible myself. So I'd prefer, not to order: Attack.
Question: if I don't give the order: Attack, would my companions still defend themselves good enough, so they are not helpless?
(selfish question, I know - I want the Blue Max again).
1. Don't know
2. Track IR turns as fast you can turn your head unless you've got a slow machine. Sometimes, it out turns the program and you can get white or blue triangles in the corners until they fill in. More like flashes really, but usually only at higher settings.
If you can use it, do so, for any flying sim. It makes it much more realistic. Also, there are many settings in TrackIr for adjustment.

Combat: It was posted a few years ago that the AI will attack enemy aircraft without you having to order them. I can't say for sure that I've experienced because I usually hit the A key three or four times before entering combat. Even if they do, you'll usually shoot down the rest while they're still circling with their opponent taking snap shots. I have had wingmen disappear on occasion that I think spotted an enemy that I didn't but not sure.
Hello gents,

I can say categorically that your AI wingies WILL attack NME without your command if provoked.

Last night I took off in my Alb DII (giving her a try in J19 Olham, but so far she handles like a stone in my hands...a bit better with auto trim activated), and I banked to get on the waypoint and hit "R" to try and gather the flight together.

I saw a red square on the "radar" where my aerodrome should be (which was set only for aircraft BTW) and I thought, "That was thoughtful of the developers to have homebase marked like so", so I flew on a bit... Still learning the ropes :help:

I quickly glanced over my shoulder (TrackIR is B-eautiful!!! Try to get it if you can afford, it makes a HUGE difference) to see where the flight was and saw a solo Pup boom and zooming on my flight. Bas___ard!!! By the targeting text it said he was an Ace! "Little" was his name if I remember correctly. Well, was I surprised! He was doing some really good energy management for AI let me tell you, and making a mockery of my wingies and myself, though in my defence, this was only the second time I've taken a DII up. I tried to extend to get altitude, but he was all over the sky, and he landed at least a dozen bullets on me at what I thought was pretty long range. This guy could shoot as well!!!

I split-arsed my way out of there at pretty low altitude and managed to pull out, somehow. After some more manuevering, I landed just a handful of rounds on him in a deflection shot. Later he augered in after he couldn't pull out of a defensive dive, and apparently I put a claim in on him, which I do not feel I deserve. My engine died, I force-landed in a field. Did I mention that was my second mission for J19...???

If it gets better, can't wait for OFF3...
I've been flying in 56 sdn (Se5A with Hispano Suiza engines) We were 3 SE5's against 5 Albatros DV's I ordered my wingmen to attack which they did, & I got right on the tail of a DV "Ace" I was only about 4 feet from his tail, following his every move, when i was shot down by another DV (non Ace) who was flying approximately 400 -500 feet behind me!! I was surprised that he opened up on me at such extreme range considering i was only 4 feet from his bosse's tail, & in theory, what bullets missed me would have hit him!!

I managed to crashland our side of the lines, & although wounded, Live to fight another day still with my 12 kills intact. :a1310:

We're all aware of the long range "marksman" aspect of P2 as its been discussed many times before, but I really didnt think he'd open fire with us being so close. - I bet that pilot would have got a real mouthful from the "Ace" when they landed :censored:

The moral of the story is: - Even though he looks too far away, break off your current combat no matter how good a kill position your'e in, & shake him off your tail pronto!!! :engel016:
About the views:
Question 1: can that speed be adjusted and made faster somehow?

Yes. The panning speed can be edited in the viewui file. I don't have access to the file right now so can't give you the exact details, but there is basically a parameter in there for the panning speed and you just edit the number upwards to suit.
I assume that you are aware that by hitting scroll lock you can pan smoothly using your joystick hat.

My apologies if this was glaringly obvious.Just trying to help.



We're all aware of the long range "marksman" aspect of P2 as its been discussed many times before, but I really didnt think he'd open fire with us being so close.

I really don't think the AI are that sophisticated that they notice their team mate, let alone weigh up the risks as to how close he is to you etc. I think the AI sees just you, you are within the range the devs determine and so you get some bullets:)

:[/QUOTEThe moral of the story is: - Even though he looks too far away, break off your current combat no matter how good a kill position your'e in, & shake him off your tail pronto!!! :engel016]

True- Mind you, you could imagine that, desperate to save his comrade, he opens fire in order to let you know you are at risk, so that you break off to save your skin , figuring that is better to do that than risk it just to kill his mate? :)
This might seem abstract at this point and time, however it might come in handy in the future. Sometimes your wingmen are a bit overly aggresive, flying ahead, or even shooting down the target balloon before you have the chance to pull the trigger. If they should ever get abit squirrely. Feel free to throw a short burst their direction, it should get their attention.
This WAS Done occasionaly in Real Life

NOTE: in the wings, only

The Jagged triangles, Grey in color, seen at the outter edges of your view with Trackir, means that you're turning your head to fast

However I virtually eliminated the Jaggies, by increasing the video card memory from 256MB to 512MB
Adjusting the Pan Rate

Hi Olham54,

To answer your first question about making the Pan speed faster:

Edit the ViewUI.xml file.
Near the begining of the file is a statement:
Change this to read: RotationRate="1.5"
or even try "2.0" for a bit more speed.
Play with the parameters to see what suits you best.

I used the Scroll Lock (as mentioned above) to switch between smooth panning and the snap views.

I think those were the appropriate settings. It's been a while though; I've been using my old TrackIR3 Pro (with hat!) for some time and it's still great. TrackIR is an excellent investment!!

Watch your Six! We Crumpets abound!

When you're rather new to the game or a plane, it feels difficult to handle, but like always, experience grows by doing.

The Albatros can't do anything very good, so don't even try a steep curve climb against a Pup. After a while, you learn, what the enemy planes can do well, and so they use it. All with Sopwith on can outclimb you. (But: when I just gained some speed, I follow their climbs until short before stall, and plaster them, when they loose so much speed, they hang in the air like Peking ducks in the window).
The best you can do, is, follow his curve, but don't climb too step with him (watch "Stall warning"). When you follow his turn, keep him in your view, so you can see, were he comes down again (they always do). And there, you plaster him.

The good sides of the Albatros D II:
1. it can take quite some hits 2. it has twin guns, so your shooting is more effective than most enemies'. 3. It's faster than Nupe 11, DH 2 and Nupe 17.
You don't really have to fear anything but SPAD's with aces. For all the rest: avoid being hit; curve rather horizon-level; gain some speed by giving up a little altitude. And when you shoot only at short and safe distance, you have enough rounds to down 4 - 5 of any plane, but SPAD's (they last a little longer).
Do as much flying/shooting training as you can. From all I saw, P3 may be nicer to have (at last), but also a lot harder.

Thank you, Nio, but yes, I use the hat switch. Just want view to turn faster.

Thanks, Dudley, will change the Rotation speed. And I will get me TrackIR as soon, as I have the money for it.
... I virtually eliminated the Jaggies, by increasing the video card memory from 256MB to 512MB

It really depends on the game and the card. I had an ATI X1900XT (don't ask why) with 512MB vRAM, and it was throwing all sorts of terrain triangles in "other" WWI sims using TIR4. I replaced that cr_p ATI card with an nVidia with 512 MB and I don't see them in OFF and rarely in the other sims. So yes (and no) more brute force can help alleviate the graphics problems, it depends.

"...with TrackIR 4, would a change of view from straight forward to rear left, be immediate, if I wanted - as quick, as I can REALLY turn my head?"

It would be as immediate as turning your head is and SEAMLESS, but you can adjust the TIR4 profile to be more "aggressive" so a smaller turn of your head results in a bigger screen movement. It really is a fiine piece of hardware and software IFF your graphics settings and computer can give you smooth frame rates.

Is it worth about $130 U.S. to you? Well, I don't know your budget. It was pushing it for me, but in the end I've had more fun with it over the past 2 years AND likely saved some $$$ instead of going out and blowing $130 every month or so at a restaurant with my sim-widow:engel016:.

EDIT: Thanks for DII advice Olham, I really found switching auto-trim ON changed the whole feel of the DII. Before that I was thinking you were crazy for loving them :) I've been simming for a few years, just not OFF, and then I usually fly U.K. I'm more partial to a turn 'n burn a/c, but we'll see if this old-dog can change his spots yet...
Hallo Olham54(Sorry fellows for writing in German but its easier for me) Beste Grüße nach Berlin!Meine wärmste Empfehlung:Kauf dir TrackIR4.Für einen passionierten SimFlieger wie Dich ist es ein absolutes MUST HAVE,so wie der joystick es auch ist.Ein wirklich perfektes kleines Gerät das keine Wünsche offen lässt.Dank tollen setup menü kannst du dir alles so einstellen wie Du nur möchtest.Ich habe einen 4 jahre alten rechner AMD3000 und es läuft absolut flüssig.Ich möchte TrackIR nie mehr missen.GrußDerMo.
On 2. TrackIR actually pans much faster than your head. So say 20-25 degrees of turn of your heard = 180 in game. Sounds odd but works fine-trust me best thing you will ever buy for flight simming.
When I finally bought the Tracker for $180, it hit the old budget pretty hard, but after my repeated Oatmeal dinners ( no wife & kids to worry about). I'd play OFF and smile from ear to ear.

Don't know your financial situation, but I would've jumped at $130 :kilroy: