Gaming computer question


Charter Member
I'm saving up to get a new gaming computer now as my old one bit the dust. Thinking about building one my self as i found a website to show me how to do it. Does anyone know of a good factory built gaming rig for around $ 1,500 ? Need it to handle any combat flight sim. availible ie: ( OFF,RoF,Flaming Cliffs3,all CFS3 versions,Il-2 CUP... ),at max settings. Maybe the wrong place to ask but any help will be useful ,Thanks...
these are the parts that make up a computer assembled and sold for approximately 1800 USD. you would need an operating system as well.


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Thanks for all the info and time looking buddy. The site i found has tutorials and helps for even first timers, like me, to do it myself and uses Amazon for links/prices . At the site you'll see their recommended high end build , less OS , is listed for $1,356. A pretty cheep amount for a ASUS Z97-A MB, i7 4790k CPU,16 gig ram,ASUS STRIXS GTX970 4 gig video card ,250 SSD,2TB HD ,650w PS... Link to site is : Anyone know of other sites that show good factory builds ?
$875 is a phenomenal price ,just need more ram and i could upgrade the CPU-(can i ?) and video card later. A good start!!:applause:
a couple of months ago, i built up my current system. i7 processor at 4.7ghz, corsair h100 water cooler, 16g ram, z97 fatality pro mb, 3x ssd, and gtx970 for about 1400 usd. you can definitely save money if you can build yourself.

i am very comfortable with building my own system but very uncomfortable with overclocking. whatever mb you get, make sure it has automatic overclock settings. in my case, the z97 pro, it was one check box to do 4.7ghz with my processor. no fiddling around needed.
Thanks for the motherboard advise bro. Looks like building one your self is the best way to go. Some of the money saved could used to get a better flight stick and a bigger/faster monitor. As well as being able to choose your own OS and software.