GAS IB75A MSFS 2020 use in 2024 SU 1


When we initially released the Super Stearman we defaulted the pilot and passengers avatars to be those developed by us as vintage characters and eliminated the ability to modify them in order to allow for cross platform use 2020 Vs 2024. 2024, as you are aware, had a "bug" that prevented the 2020 avatars from being displayed in the exterior view when being used in 2024 Free Flight Mode. Now with MSFS 2024 SU1 being released that issue has been resolved. If any who previously purchased the model when first released and would like it replaced with the "pure" 2020 version allowing for customization and use of the 2020 avatars, the archive in our on-line store has been updated, eliminating the fixed vintage avatars and allowing for the user to choose the avatars. Just re-download the model for the PayLoadz store and install it in the usual manner. If the link no longer works for you email our customer service