GAS Lockheed Model 12A for FS9


There will be an FS9 version of the model. The exterior is about 98% complete and now working on the VC. We're bumping up against the file size limit, but I think we can make it happen. It will most likely be a few weeks. Here she is as of today

Fantastic!! Thanks, Spad! I'm a huge fan of GS creations, but rarely dabble in this is a very unanticipated surprise. Looking forward to it!
What a great addition to this wonderful "obsession!"

She will look superb setting next to her bigger sister, the Electra L-10A made by FS-Design Berlin. The L-10A is one of a few select airframes that occupies a permanent place on my fs9 ramp.
Thanks for thinking of us FS9'ers Spad. Looks great. I have FSX installed but rarely use it these days.
There will be an FS9 version of the model. The exterior is about 98% complete and now working on the VC. We're bumping up against the file size limit, but I think we can make it happen.

Have you looked at Lionheart's Unlimited Export method, would that help any?

And I agree with all the comments above, she'll look great next to the Electra L-10A.
Have you looked at Lionheart's Unlimited Export method, would that help any?

And I agree with all the comments above, she'll look great next to the Electra L-10A.

He converted PropTrash's FSDS technique for GMAX. We work in FSDS and I have no idea how to get hold of the original method that PropTrash developed. We went back to Bill Lyons method and I believe that all will be pleased with the result. The price point will be significantly lower than the FSX version. Here's the front office identical in functionality with its FSX sister. The C-40 will also be included


you know I'm looking forward to this one, been nagging you long enough, lol. Glad you can get it sorted in FS9 and will be sure to purchase ASAP.

Many thanks,
Now that's good news! :applause:
I love twin-radialed taildraggers by default, but a state-of-the-art Electra is something I desperately missed!

Very much looking forward to it!

The conversion of the L12A is complete. Still need to convert the C-40 version and hope to have that done by the end of next weekend. Then some testing. I think it's reasonable to project a release by the end of the month. Here's the Southwest Airways livery. The FS9 version has all the capabilities and custom animations that the FSX version does with the exception of simulated fuel dumping.


That is excellent news indeed. At $5.75 a gallon for 100LL I can certainly live without the fuel dumping :)Stefan
And that could be added by the user with Doug Dawson's FS9 fuel dump gauges, if desired. I have fuel dumping working on many of my propliners.