GAS Model 75 Stearman MSFS 2020 Update

Today we received some troubling news that the developer for our Wwise sound package has suspended operations in order to address circumstances beyond his control. In as much as a WWise sound solution was the primary impetus for the V2.0 update, we’ve suspended the project until our sound dev. is able to resume his operations.
OK, thanks for the update. I am good at the waiting game, not a problem! NC
Today we received some troubling news that the developer for our Wwise sound package has suspended operations in order to address circumstances beyond his control. In as much as a WWise sound solution was the primary impetus for the V2.0 update, we’ve suspended the project until our sound dev. is able to resume his operations.
Good news. The updated version of the Model 75 Stearman has been moved to beta testing. As earlier stated it includes a full Wwise sound package for all variants, an added model the A75N1 and FDE coding refinements. Please don’t inundate us with update requests. When it is ready for release we will inform you. There should be no charge for existing customers. If purchased directly from us via PayLoadz you will be emailed. If purchased from JustFlight or SimMarket they have a process and you will have work with them. Marketplace customers should be alerted to the update. The model will also be migrated to the 2024 MP store. Just be assured that if you legitimately purchased the model you will be entitled to a NC update. Stand by as we complete testing.
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For those who want to see with their own eyes, I've posted two shots in the screenshot thread of the updated version (beta).

Good news. The updated version of the Model 75 Stearman has been moved to beta testing. As earlier stated it includes a full Wwise sound package for all variants, an added model the A75N1 and FDE coding refinements. Please don’t inundate us with update requests. When it is ready for release we will inform you. There should be no charge for existing customers. If purchased directly from us via PayLoadz you will be emailed. If purchased from JustFlight or SimMarket they have a process and you will have work with them. Marketplace customers should be alerted to the update. The model will also be migrated to the 2024 MP store. Just be assured that if you legitimately purchased the model you will be entitled to a NC update. Stand by as we complete testing.
This is all wonderful news, thank you very much.
I took the liberty of adding a little something about the last "Beta 4" being tested, something I had tried 10 years ago on my C150 Tibush, that is to say the possibility of "surfing on the water" with the aircraft's tires.

The trick is quite simple, we add two additional contact points by duplicating the two contact points of the front wheels.
Then we change the first parameter 1 (ground) for 4 (float) which allows MSFS to assign a wake effect and for the height of the contact point we decrease it by a value equal to the height of half a tire, for example -5.52 is changed to -5.40 for example.

Here the result: "The Spirit of Artemis over the 65S's river."
