GAS Stearman MSFS


Working with a new team member, SOH LaGaffe, to bring GAS aircraft to MSFS. Still WIP with a long way to go. Hoping all will go well for a release sometime in the fall.

Super-excited to see your stuff coming to MSFS, and congrats on adding Lagaffe to your team!

Had your Fleet Finch in P3D and really hope to see it in MSFS someday! My great uncle wrote that it was his favorite airplane -- he trained in them before he was sadly lost in the crash of a damaged RCAF Wellington in Egypt.
Was hoping for one of the "real" Stearmans when I read the title, but I also applaud bringing any GAS plane into MSFS, and second the nomination of the Finch.

Very excited to see the GAS Stearman come to MSFS at last - Will this be the full package including the 'Duster, PT-13 and PT-17 as well as the Super?
Very excited to see the GAS Stearman come to MSFS at last - Will this be the full package including the 'Duster, PT-13 and PT-17 as well as the Super?
I don’t think so. At this point the focus is on the PT-17. LaGaffe and I have not discussed anything beyond that. I’m just glad to have connected with him and his impressive skill set. I'm also cognizant of the feelings of users of the other platforms and the legacy product that devs have abandoned them for MSFS. As much as possible I'd like GAS to continue to support P3D and by extension Legacy FSX, which may surprise some, there is still a demand for content. We, in fact will be launching the Aeromarine 39B for P3D V 5 and 6 and legacy FSXA in the coming weeks. Will that make it here? I can not say. One thing LaGaffe and I agree on is that whatever we do it has to be fun for us to do it. GAS is a team of enthusiastic hobbyists first. Currently doing a ground up new version of the PT-22 and hope that it will make it here once its completed.
Stearman Project Update

LaGaffe continues to work his magic and its amazing. Here are a few shots taken today. Still a way to go before testing but we are getting closer each week.

like finding out an old friend who had disappeared for a while has been found alive and well. It is a relief to hear - looking forward to flying the GAS Stearman again
Thanks to lagaffe! - and to GAS for their efforts regarding the Golden Age of Flight Sim Aviation.
Really looking forward to this one. One of my Navy buddies, a retired PR Senior Chief, lives at a airpark near Bayou Le Batre, AL. 5R7 Roy E. Ray airport. He has a beautifully restored Stearman. Unfortunately, I think his flying days may soon be over. Getting older, as it happens to all of us...... NC
While wholeheartedly welcoming a new model of the class, I'd much appreciate to know what the intended differences are compared to DC Designs' model... :confused:
While wholeheartedly welcoming a new model of the class, I'd much appreciate to know what the intended differences are compared to DC Designs' model... :confused:
The GAS Stearman is different in many ways. The 3D model was meticulously crafted by GAS and not purchased from some vendor. It is far more accurate, from having a properly done and accurate representation of the power plant, to the cockpits, to the aircraft itself. If you know the Stearman variants at all well you will recognize these details immediately.
The flight models of each variant were also made as accurate as possible. If you are familiar with these variants PT-13 with the Lycoming radial, PT-17 with the Continental, PT-18 with the Jacobs, or the Super Stearman with the 450hp Wasp motor, you will appreciate the correct flight modeling of the version being released by GAS, as well the the roll rate of the modeled two-ailerons rather than a codged hybrid quasi four-aileron roll rate for ‘fun’
The differences will be appreciated most by those who are more familiar with the aircraft and want more ‘fidelity’ to the original or real world aircraft.
not to diminish the effort of DC designs who have stated time and again they are less interested in accurate details and fidelity than providing a generally acceptable source of entertainment for a reasonable price.
Edit: I forgot to mention the sound pack that was created for the GAS Stearman - you’ll want to hear it.
It was also specifically crafted for the GAS Stearman package and is outstanding
Moderator - please delete post 15 above - for some reason when I edit a post I get a duplicate of the entire thing, plus the edit.
Hey Woooody,

"Curb your enthusiasm" , you familiar with this HBO comic series ?.. You should ! It's hilarious ! I'd say Larry David is easily the most funny comedian we have today (together with Ricky Gervais of course).

You might want to curb your enthusiasm about the upcoming GAS Stearman a bit or is it like perhaps you know more about the project than Spad54 ?... F.i. you talk about 'each variant' but upon answering your question regarding Stearman variants Spad54 clearly states: quote " at this point the focus is on the PT-17. LaGaffe and I have not discussed anything beyond that." unquote.

So what's up with that, my friend ? Personally i'd LOVE to see a full blown, all singing and dancing MSFS Stearman package with all variants and engine types available and i'd be willing to dig deep into my credit card for that too but according to Spad's statement that's not going to happen 'at this point' ...

Do you possibly mean to say " more variants in the near future ? "...

Let's have it out on the table, Woodman, we want the truth and nothing but the truth, will there be more Stearman variants next to the PT-17 or not ??....

Thanks mate ! :)
Hey Woooody,

"Curb your enthusiasm" , if you don't know about this HBO comic series, you should.It's hilarious. I'd say Larry David is the best comedian we have today (together with Ricky Gervais of course).

You might want to curb your enthusiasm about the upcoming GAS Stearman a bit or is it like perhaps you know more about the project than Spad54 ?... F.i. you talk about 'each variant' but upon answering your question regarding Stearman variants Spad54 clearly states, quote " at this point the focus is on the PT-17. LaGaffe and I have not discussed anything beyond that." unquote.

So what's up with that, my friend ? Personally i'd LOVE to see a full blown, all singing and dancing MSFS Stearman package with all variants and engine types available and i'd be willing to dig deep into my credit card for that but according to Spad's statement that's not going to happen 'at this point' ...

Do you possibly mean to say " more variants in the near future ? "...

Let's have it out on the table, Woodman, we want the truth and nothing but the truth, will there be more Stearman variants next to the PT-17 or not ??....

Thanks mate !
As stated earlier the PT-17 is the focus and no plans beyond that for other variants.
I'm learning from LaGaffe as we embarked on this project that its no simple task, unlike FSX or P3D, to copy and paste power plants and adjust air files. LaGaffe's skillset is nothing short of amazing and he's done things with effects and coding I never thought possible. Here is our rear cockpit.

Yes - as I said in the middle of my post - right after listing all of the Stearman variants (minus the Duster) I refer to the ‘Variant’ -singular- being worked up for release. Only listed the others in the post because they exist.
I thought folks would miss it but decided to leave it written that way - since I can’t tell from the pictures which motor is on this one