GAS Taylor J-2 Final Versions for FSX and FS9


Hi gang! Well it's been thoroughly tested by you good folks and the members of TOH. The links below will get you the final version of the models. Whats different?

Improved textured for both the FSX native and FS9 versions; the addition of an additional livery, reflecting an a/c recently restored; additional tweaks of the FSX model to add improved specular and dynamic shine to the VC components; an new prop texture (bananabob's piper prop mod) and a few minor part corrections to facilitate repainting, for those that wish. Installers have been created for both models as well to facilitate installation. Once I get my access, I'll upload the models to the SOH FTP as well

Heres a shot of the new paint job


The FSX version is here:

The FS9 version is here:
Thank you Spad! It is a delight to fly, and very well done throughout. It is definitely one of the nicest aircraft to take in the fall scenery with.

............:ernae:thank you:ernae: