GC_shared files for Do 17z2?



Hello people,

This is propably a very old subject, but I haven't been able to find anything usefull with the search function on this forum or with google.

I'm trying to install a standalone Stephan Seybolt repaint of the Dornier 17z2 for CFS3, but I can't get it to work! It says in the .txt file that the "do_17z2_shared" files and the "GC_shared" files need to be installed in order for the aircraft to work.
I have the do_17z2_shared files installed, but which Groundcrew shared files are needed here? The only shared files from GC I could find where for the Bf110 and the He111 which are both installed, still the Do 17 doesn't work..

What am I doing wrong here?? Please help me out!


No, it wasn't stated anywhere in the installation instructions that it's needed. But I'll get it anyway and see if it works when that weapons pack is installed.
Thanks for your reply!


Well, I have the AvHistory weapons pack installed and it still won't show up in the Hangar. I've allready tried different versions of the aircraft, but I can't get any of them to work.

I just don't understand which GC_shared files are meant in the instructions. Are there supposed to be shared files specifically for the Do 17 from GC?
I now have both shared files packs from GC installed, the AvHistory weapons pack and the Do17z2 shared files are also installed..

Is there anybody out there who has this aircraft installed and knows exactly which files are needed to get it to work?


:kilroy:Lennert, what is the exact name of the aircraft's zip file, and where did you get it? I have several Do 17z's and don't remember any of them requiring GC_shared files. The ones that I have all require the AvHistory Weapons pack.

Make sure that you have everything installed properly.:d
You don't need the GC.share file for this plane. Although it might depend on where you got it. The Reg's groundcrew ones don't use a share file. But I think the MAW ones might.
Check you don't have a folder within a folder. It happens some times.
I have tried one plane from de foute man, zip file: fs_do17z2_5kdm_version2.zip
and a set of planes from foute man, wulfmann and spitfrnd, zip file: fs_do17z2_9kg76_set.zip

All of these planes do have folders in their main folder that aren't normally there with other planes. The textures and models are put in a folder whereas normally those files are put together in the main folder. I have already tried it without those separate folders and it didn't work, but that was before I installed the AvHistory weapons pack.
Should I try it again with the pack installed?

Edit: I got the single plane from Foute Man's homepage and the set I got from Simviation I believe.
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Ik denk dat je deze bedoelt: http://www.sim-outhouse.com/index.php?lloc=downloads&loc=downloads&page=info&FileID=3074

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