g'day from Boleropilot


Members +
g'day to All, my intro post (apart from an earlier one about the Virtavia F111)

always been a flightsim fan because aviation has always been in my blood - was stationed at Amberley when the first F111 arrived and was lucky enough to be on the hill overlooking the airfield when they flew in to land for the last time (***)
lucky enough to now live quite close to Amberley so i get to see lovely stuff like C17s (and the occasional Super Hornet) on a regular basis
i also used to write the flightsim articles for Aviator and Australian Flying magazines here in Oz, don't do that any more

real life aviation involvement includes 7 years in Army Aviation (ground handler), skydiving, gliding, paragliding, hot air ballooning, radio control acft and ultralights
my Drifter aircraft (0455) is the one Anthony (from Ant's Airplanes) used to take all the photos for the development of the software, that's me in the red helmet with glasses and beard !!!

huge fan of Pigs and have enjoyed flying them, particularly after Karol Chlebowski started his brilliant work on repaints and cockpit details
btw, he has indicated to me that he will definately be doing some repaints of the Virtavia F111, something to really look forward to, he is meticulous in his work

nuff said, any of youse guys who want to have a crack at the real thing, if you're ever around Boonah drop me a PM and we'll go for a quick spin (?) in the Drifter
even if you don't have the Drifter in your hangar, you can still enjoy the 'quaint' little airfield i fly from, Roadvale, 6nm north of Boonah YBOA
both airfields are available from the Ant's airplanes website as freeware - if you GoogleEarth Roadvale you will probably recognise the 'field, it's fairly obvious

cheers for now

BP (also known as Cropduster Dave, but that's another story.....)