Charter Member
I can't find the thread where it is explained why there is a mismatch in tracer effects in the effects.xml file, if the new tracer textures are used. Was it something to do with some effects having blendmode = Add and others being Blendmode = Quadsprite?
Or not, I can't remember. IIRC it is something to do with the way the dds textures are compiled.
I would like to get to the bottom of this because the combined effects.xml needs to go with one blendmode or the other. Or could the new textures have a unique effects line and unique texture name, so both sets would work, to retain usefulness for older installs?
Or not, I can't remember. IIRC it is something to do with the way the dds textures are compiled.
I would like to get to the bottom of this because the combined effects.xml needs to go with one blendmode or the other. Or could the new textures have a unique effects line and unique texture name, so both sets would work, to retain usefulness for older installs?