I don't mean to get anyone any more upset than they already are, but I MUST reply to what's been going on. I tried to write this as fair-minded as possible, but I know a lot of you don't like my writing... :ernae:
I am the original author of the article you referred to:
First my direct responses:
1) I didn't say that the official word was OFF was delayed, but I'll edit my original post to make this clear. That it has been delayed is my own speculation, and even at that, it's well-founded. If you remember we were told in late October how close Phase 3 was:
http://wwiaircombat.com/articles/off-phase3-almost-touches-down. That it's nearly three months later and the word still is that it's coming "soon". I have no doubt that it is definitely nearer! I'm eagerly waiting for it, and my PayPal account is at the ready!
2) No one told me the OFF team wanted a Christmas release. I didn't claim anyone told me that. It's my own speculation. I do understand that at the time members of the OFF team said they weren't pushing for a Christmas release, but in all honesty, if it worked out that way, I'm sure they would've been happy with it, no? The question should actually be "who wouldn't want a Christmas release"?
3) Again, what I post is sometimes speculation. Some functions of my articles serve as posting the latest rumors, and when they're rumors, I try to make it as clear as possible. Or when it's my personal opinion, I try to also make that clear.
My posts are my opinions and speculation, and admittedly I sometimes get facts wrong in my eagerness to post the latest happenings. For instance, this happened in November when I posted incorrectly that Phase 3 was to be released on Remembrance Day, after I got a press release from a kind member of the OFF team. Soon after I made the post I was honestly embarassed for myself and instead of covering up I made the correction public:
That I intend for everything I write to be truthful should be obvious, and that I don't seek to malign anyone or any particular sim should be even more obvious.
I'm distressed by Parky's post but even more distressed by the post made by OvS. Otto, if I'm reporting on something incorrectly, can you contact me personally? My email is
david.b.calhoun@gmail.com. Or if you want me to stop reporting on OFF entirely, I am more than open to that.
The same goes for anyone else: I'm happy to discuss anything or make any revisions. You have more control than you think.
For some reason I've gained a bad reputation here specifically for making news updates on OFF. Listen, all I'm trying to do is let a wider audience know about WWI flight sims through its ongoing happenings. I run this site in my free time and I pay all the server costs. There is no advertising on my site. I'm not making any money from it (actually I'm continually losing money due to it).
I'm not CNN. If I were CNN, I wouldn't even be reporting on Over Flanders Fields. I run a freaking blog. I am one person who grew up with Red Baron 3D and wanted to pass that love of WWI flight sims onto others. I don't profess to be completely objective in all my articles. I report on rumors but I never pass off rumors as fact.
How can you think a sentence such as the following is reporting on anything but speculation?: "That's got some people speculating that the deal with the publisher isn't working out". I wrote that because posters on this very forum were wondering the same thing, and I'm simply reporting on their speculations. I thought I made that clear enough in my post, but I'll make the necessary revisions to emphasize that it's not fact.
Summary: contact me if you think I got something wrong. I'll revise it as soon as I can.
EDIT: Here is the post on my website saying pretty much what I said above. Contact me if I said something wrong...