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Yes but preferable is own DVD (physical discs).

I regrett, that are problems with P3-final product....:frown:

Why on earth would you post a link to that kind of garbage in the official OFF forum???? Not sure who David is, but he needs to get his facts straight.

1) How can he surmise that BHH is delayed when the developers themselves have never given us a release date????!! Pretty tough to say the bus is late when it hasn't yet been scheduled to arrive. Also pretty bold to publish a statement to that effect, particularly when it can't be substantiated. You have to admit....the chances of his being perceived as a bit of a moron become stark reality at that point.

2) Who the Hell told him the OFF team "wanted a Christmas release"?? He says it's "obvious" that they did. What exactly is he basing that on??? I must have missed the post by the developers that said that was their intention. Never saw anything indicating that on their official site either. Hmmmm......the guy must be a freakin' clairvoyant!! Bet he could earn a living at a carnival with that kind of talent.

3) The next time David decides he's going to publish another one of his "articles", he should probably think about limiting his claims to what he knows to be fact instead of running off at the mouth (or keyboard) with a whole bunch of speculative and unsubstantiated dribble.

Couldn't help but notice the forum over there is host to a whopping great 20 members with a grand sum total of 33 absolutely riveting posts. Geez......I wonder why????


so much questions ... why do you, or someone, even bother ?

"Why on earth would you post a link to that kind of garbage in the official OFF forum???? Not sure who David is, but he needs to get his facts straight."

Why garbage ? Why should he get facts straight - he does not post facts, just rumours, or guessing. He does not claim anything.

" 1) How can he surmise that BHH is delayed when the developers themselves have never given us a release date????!! Pretty tough to say the bus is late when it hasn't yet been scheduled to arrive. Also pretty bold to publish a statement to that effect, particularly when it can't be substantiated. You have to admit....the chances of his being perceived as a bit of a moron become stark reality at that point. "

" ... 2) Who the Hell told him the OFF team "wanted a Christmas release"?? He says it's "obvious" that they did. What exactly is he basing that on??? I must have missed the post by the developers that said that was their intention. Never saw anything indicating that on their official site either. Hmmmm......the guy must be a freakin' clairvoyant!! Bet he could earn a living at a carnival with that kind of talent. ... "

Why ? The dev team was finished in november (?), so it is a good guess they would have liked to ship it before Christmas - it is not their fault the distributor did not do it that early - they did not post any date - but who even cares ?

" ... 3) The next time David decides he's going to publish another one of his "articles", he should probably think about limiting his claims to what he knows to be fact instead of running off at the mouth (or keyboard) with a whole bunch of speculative and unsubstantiated dribble. ..."

Why would anyone be upset because of this ? Don't you have a life ? Seriously, there is much worse on the internet than the assumption of a delay for something like "OFF BHAH" (an abbreviation which b.t.w. sounds a bit, well, negative ? :icon_lol: ).

" ... Couldn't help but notice the forum over there is host to a whopping great 20 members with a grand sum total of 33 absolutely riveting posts. Geez......I wonder why???? ..."

Well, who cares ? Why would anyone be upset about this ? :argue:

2) Who the Hell told him the OFF team "wanted a Christmas release"?? He says it's "obvious" that they did. What exactly is he basing that on???

Yeah, but they didn't say what YEAR.

Seriously, I bet I can speak for almost every regular poster here when I say, "Thank you ever so much for the joy that you have provided by giving us your FREE OFF Phase 2. It is beyond my comprehension just how much time and effort must have been put into that great work to turn it into an effort like Phase 3. I will be extremely grateful for it when it comes, but until that time, I'll just continue to enjoy the Phase 2 and patiently await the delivery of the next chapter.:Banane35:. It'll get here when it gets here."

My two cents' worth.
Why on earth would you post a link to that kind of garbage in the official OFF forum???? Not sure who David is, but he needs to get his facts straight.

1) How can he surmise that BHH is delayed when the developers themselves have never given us a release date????!! Pretty tough to say the bus is late when it hasn't yet been scheduled to arrive. Also pretty bold to publish a statement to that effect, particularly when it can't be substantiated. You have to admit....the chances of his being perceived as a bit of a moron become stark reality at that point.

2) Who the Hell told him the OFF team "wanted a Christmas release"?? He says it's "obvious" that they did. What exactly is he basing that on??? I must have missed the post by the developers that said that was their intention. Never saw anything indicating that on their official site either. Hmmmm......the guy must be a freakin' clairvoyant!! Bet he could earn a living at a carnival with that kind of talent.

3) The next time David decides he's going to publish another one of his "articles", he should probably think about limiting his claims to what he knows to be fact instead of running off at the mouth (or keyboard) with a whole bunch of speculative and unsubstantiated dribble.

Couldn't help but notice the forum over there is host to a whopping great 20 members with a grand sum total of 33 absolutely riveting posts. Geez......I wonder why????


Parky, you Rock! Thanks for that. :woot:

I won't post the content of my letter to the rest of the OFF Team regarding his breaking 'news' update, primarily because what I wrote was personal (Hint: something to do with a Cadillac .. ;) ) Nor will I point out how far-off from the truth everything he posted was...but I did bring it to the attention of the team, and we all agreed that we will let it be. As he did in the past, it's all non-fact based and to say the least, no better than hearsay.

Winder said it best that he won't post a word about the release anymore until it's released. And I agree with him 100% simply because of stuff like this.

Anyhow... thanks again. :)

All the best,

Hey, PARKY, I know how you feel. I've been so upset short time ago, when I asked to close the thread "When will P3 be out" (or something).

Meanwhile, I've calmed down, and realised (by reading all the "good" posts:
The most people around here are more than willing to wait for an outstanding sim to be delivered, when it's ready. Curiously excited, some chewing up fingernails, making (more or less intelligent) jokes about the situation, but positive about OFF and all it's developers.

Some have missed getting into this beautiful community yet, and some never will.
The big majority will remain a solid basis for OFF-Team and friends.
And: quality will proove and will be noticed. In the end, they all want it - I'm sure.

Berlin, 00:55 h I have edited this text. I had been offensive, and I think, there has been enough offense lately; and I don't want anyone to feel hurt. Much rather would I want the good old relaxedness and often coolness of the forum back. Let's lean back and cool down - everything will be good!
With all those questions for this David guy, why don't you just write him and ask him directly (if you haven't already)?

Be advised I am not being mean, flippant, have no idea who David is, etc. I just believe in addressing issues head-on, at the source. Obviously, I understand that what I believe has no bearing on anyone else. I'm just saying.
AWW NUTS! You are right Olham. So I just changed the post I was writing but I will say this part I intended. I've heard it said "if you got nuthin' good to say, then don't say nuthin' "
I don't mean to get anyone any more upset than they already are, but I MUST reply to what's been going on. I tried to write this as fair-minded as possible, but I know a lot of you don't like my writing... :ernae:

I am the original author of the article you referred to:

First my direct responses:
1) I didn't say that the official word was OFF was delayed, but I'll edit my original post to make this clear. That it has been delayed is my own speculation, and even at that, it's well-founded. If you remember we were told in late October how close Phase 3 was: That it's nearly three months later and the word still is that it's coming "soon". I have no doubt that it is definitely nearer! I'm eagerly waiting for it, and my PayPal account is at the ready!

2) No one told me the OFF team wanted a Christmas release. I didn't claim anyone told me that. It's my own speculation. I do understand that at the time members of the OFF team said they weren't pushing for a Christmas release, but in all honesty, if it worked out that way, I'm sure they would've been happy with it, no? The question should actually be "who wouldn't want a Christmas release"?

3) Again, what I post is sometimes speculation. Some functions of my articles serve as posting the latest rumors, and when they're rumors, I try to make it as clear as possible. Or when it's my personal opinion, I try to also make that clear.

My posts are my opinions and speculation, and admittedly I sometimes get facts wrong in my eagerness to post the latest happenings. For instance, this happened in November when I posted incorrectly that Phase 3 was to be released on Remembrance Day, after I got a press release from a kind member of the OFF team. Soon after I made the post I was honestly embarassed for myself and instead of covering up I made the correction public:

That I intend for everything I write to be truthful should be obvious, and that I don't seek to malign anyone or any particular sim should be even more obvious.

I'm distressed by Parky's post but even more distressed by the post made by OvS. Otto, if I'm reporting on something incorrectly, can you contact me personally? My email is Or if you want me to stop reporting on OFF entirely, I am more than open to that.

The same goes for anyone else: I'm happy to discuss anything or make any revisions. You have more control than you think.

For some reason I've gained a bad reputation here specifically for making news updates on OFF. Listen, all I'm trying to do is let a wider audience know about WWI flight sims through its ongoing happenings. I run this site in my free time and I pay all the server costs. There is no advertising on my site. I'm not making any money from it (actually I'm continually losing money due to it).

I'm not CNN. If I were CNN, I wouldn't even be reporting on Over Flanders Fields. I run a freaking blog. I am one person who grew up with Red Baron 3D and wanted to pass that love of WWI flight sims onto others. I don't profess to be completely objective in all my articles. I report on rumors but I never pass off rumors as fact.

How can you think a sentence such as the following is reporting on anything but speculation?: "That's got some people speculating that the deal with the publisher isn't working out". I wrote that because posters on this very forum were wondering the same thing, and I'm simply reporting on their speculations. I thought I made that clear enough in my post, but I'll make the necessary revisions to emphasize that it's not fact.

Summary: contact me if you think I got something wrong. I'll revise it as soon as I can.

EDIT: Here is the post on my website saying pretty much what I said above. Contact me if I said something wrong...
I think the trouble with speculation and rumor is that it is dangerous. People speculate when they are uninformed personally. The best reporting involves the facts attained from the proper sources. It is good to spread the word about OFF BHAH and maybe if you are operating a blog an interview with an OBD member would be a great idea. It is your right to write what you want. Many of us want to speculate in a more hopeful vein and are tiring of negativity. Just some thoughts I quess, not worth much I'm sure. I will check out you site.
Okay, so I informed myself a little bit and went to your site. A very nice site in general. I will go back and look deeper sometime. To the point of the OFF article in question, I stand by what I said in my previous post. I think you have the information for a great story right in front of you and missed it. The Winder download poll results. IMHO that's your story right there. People will be people, need I spell it out? We want what we want when we want it! But if given the choice most, not all, would wait for the hard copy release. I'm not saying anything negative about going for download. I found the poll results to be a confirmation of support for the whole process and a testimony to the "heart" of the community. For some of us dare I say that OFF is "our" game. I'm a fan. Myself and maybe some others feel a kind of ownership or dedication. In life we defend our own so don't be too surprised at some of the dynamics taking place in the forum. My 2 cents won't buy you a cup o' joe but there you go.
When I find myself in times of trouble
Mother Mary comes to me
Speaking words of wisdom
Let it be ....

Please stop this crap guys.
All of the pissin' and moanin' in the world ain't gonna git it in our hands any faster. It'll be here, When it gits here!

I tried to write this as fair-minded as possible...
That I intend for everything I write to be truthful should be obvious, and that I don't seek to malign anyone or any particular sim should be even more obvious...... Listen, all I'm trying to do is let a wider audience know about WWI flight sims through its ongoing happenings. [/url]

Fair enough, David, and thankyou!
Everyone is a little anxious for news - we on the OFF team just as much as all of you. I wish we had some solid news to pass on, but we don't. We are hopeful, just as you are... but I'm afraid we all have to wait. P3 will get here. So please, let's not get our knickers in a twist, and start brawls between ourselves. Empty your Lewis gun at your buddy if you must, but please no throwing beersteins in the mess. There's a war on, and good steins are hard to come by.


Firstly let me state I am like the rest eagerly awaiting BHAH, but I realise patience is a virtue and I am more than happy to wait.

Although with some of the recent forum posts, I am now wondering what is a safer occupation for you guys reading the forum or ground straffing in BHAH?

No answer required although I would personally take the ground straffing any day.

In the haze of emotional tension, words can become landmines. Be careful not to tread on one. Wait, untill the sight clears up. We don't want anybody to get hurt. :amen:

I checked your site (*), David, and didn't find it really offending. But it was speculating. And the nerves of the devs may be a bit strained after all that long work, and then the final hot phase, working 'till morn; and now being "condemned" to wait and watch the production process, were they can't do anything furthermore to accelerate it, must be nervewrecking, for them much more than for us waiting fans, as they feel responsible.
And this is not like Oleg's "Battle of Britain", were they postpone it every half year for another year. This is just a finishing part of the whole business, they hadn't experienced before. So, let's all be fair, and stop speculations and rumours.

(*) beautiful picture of the Nieuport (how small it is !) - will check the site later with more time.
I'm a bit peeved...

I post quite a bit of nonsense here and there which is taken by most to
be just that. It is an attempt at humour or to make light of a situation
when all are itching for the holy grail. P3 (of course).
I would like to apologise for any individual, here (or there) who is not
"up to speed" with the community, putting a slightly negative slant on
any of my attempts at keeping the forum members "entertained :sleep:".

I did not think any one might cast such a wide net in relation to any of my
codswallop + other stuff.
Profuse apologies to the Team and forum members for any negativity that
may have eventuated.
I e-mailed David and noted that his excellent site is, (as he mentioned) financed by
himself only and suggested that it would be great if OFF & WW1Acombat
could be "Friends" as the more WW1 stuff about the better.
Sorry! :kilroy:
CheerZ! :whistle:
well did anyone read my post above ? I really wondered how anyone could be really offended by Dave's site ? Why not speculating, it is not that David/Franksvalli wrote something insulting. I just do not understand Parky here.
But i have seen this happening before at this forum, some of the devs suddenly developed a witch hunt for anyone who criticized something about OFF (not David), or speculated. I always wondered why anyone of the dev team would feel personally insulted or criticized by some really harmless posts, or so it seemed. On the other hand they have, at some time, behaved much cooler than i would have, for therev were some real strange posts :hand:

But then i read Olham's text:

" ... And the nerves of the devs may be a bit strained after all that long work, and then the final hot phase, working 'till morn; and now being "condemned" to wait and watch the production process, were they can't do anything furthermore to accelerate it, must be nervewrecking, for them much more than for us waiting fans, as they feel responsible. ..."
And i would now understand better ...:ernae:
Anyway i hesitated to write something at all and bump this post, so we could as well let it die.

speculated. Speculation.... speculative... to speculate...

Oil was $147 a barrel not more than 7 months ago... based solely (believe it or not) on that same word....

Real Estate boom... speculation buying helped that ....
Stocks... pure speculation... buying on a virtual "dot com company's" projected IPO value?

It's best to ASK questions of those that are doing the work, than to speculate at all. I wish I had better information for you, or a date, or something to bite on. But since I don't... please do NOT read into posts... offer your own theory... etc.. etc... based on the speculation of others.

Just simply ask. Since when have we ever not been forward with any of the fans/community. Believe me, this is killing us more than you. Winder or Polovski are the best to ask, and if you want to run a real WWI news/info/review site, please, by all means... go for it... but do it with respect for the truth.

So this.... 3) Again, what I post is sometimes speculation. Some functions of my articles serve as posting the latest rumours, and when they're rumours, I try to make it as clear as possible. Or when it's my personal opinion, I try to also make that clear.

Try to avoid it if possible, be a REAL reporter and simply ask the questions to those who can answer them.

That's like an article that says 'an inside source that wishes to remain anonymous' or 'someone with knowledge that is not authorized to speak publicly'. When I read that statement, I stop reading the article. To me, that's the janitor calling the news reporter about something he heard while he was in a stall taking a crap. It's worthless drivel, and pure gossip.



PS... Catch... what Oldham said is 100% truth. That's exactly how we feel and you can print that. This is killing us, more than you know... but Winder and Pol will sort this one way or another. Hang in there.
PS... Catch... what Oldham said is 100% truth. That's exactly how we feel and you can print that. This is killing us, more than you know... but Winder and Pol will sort this one way or another. Hang in there.

Yes I understand OvS. I just think (sorry Parky) that Parky's rant was completely unnecessary. It served no purpose other than to inflame an already tedious subject. Patience is a virtue. Can we just let it be and move on please.
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