The download I got included a paint for the prototype of the wheeled version, and SOCATA paint for the floatplane version. I don't know where I got them, but I think probably here at SOH. When I open the zip file, no AvSim or FlightSim placard jumps out at me, and that seems to rule out those sources. The only other place I get much stuff from is here. But I might have got it from the Rarewings site, which appears to be defunct.
The SOCATA paint had the cowling silver, and black & white photos show it to be a dark color, probably red or black. On my copy of the plane I made alternate paints with the cowling in each of those colors. One of 'em is probably right, but I haven't a clue which one. Painting the cowling is the simplest thing possible; it would be simple even without a paint kit.
I made several paints of the wheeled version and released them here, though I can't seem to find them in the library right now. Maybe that's because Rami's in the midst of reorganizing the library, or maybe they were lost on one of the hacks SOH suffered in the years since the plane and the paints were released. I used to put my stuff up on FlightSim but I just looked and I can't find those paints there either.
Curious how the version on SimV apparently doesn't contain even the original paint. Sounds like an unauthorized upload by someone who managed to omit the textures and included only the blanks in the paint kit.
Since I can't locate the originals in the library, I'll re-upload them now. They should appear on the download list by tomorrow, if not sooner.