Gentlemen "Time to put your thinking caps on!" for me?


Charter Member
Gentlemen "Time to put your thinking caps on!" for me?

I have a Saitek AV8R-01 joystick.

I have presently loaded ETO, PTO, MAW, BoB, and PTO Rising Sun Theatres.

In each case the joystick has been configured in each Theatre to operate using the same selections.

1. Guns only
2. Drop weapons
3. Cannon only
4. Select next weapon
5. Start Engine
6. Cut off Mixture(kill Engine)
7. Brakes
8. Drop External Tank
9. Landing Gear up/down
10. Open Bombay Doors
11. Open Canopy
12. Bailout

The one exception is "MAW?"
It doesnot reply to commands 9,10,11,12 where I have to use the Key commands.

Has anyone any suggestions?
I have my canopy button on the base of my throttle - it works. There isn't any reason I can think of why it shouldn't work.

As a rule, I set up my config in one install and simply copy-paste it into the others. You need to give it another name than CFS3.xca, so CFS3_Mine.xca or some such will do. I also copy-paste ConfigOverrides.xml the same way, which saves messing around.

Try doing this and see what happens. The files are 'hidden' so if you haven't already done this, you'll need to go into Explorer, organize/folder and search options/view and tick the "show hidden files etc" box.

The folders you need to work with - you'll know this already, but just in case - are here in W7:

C:\Users\your name\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Combat Flight Simulator 3.0