


Congrats. We've just managed to force one of the moderators to close yet another thread. Don't blame him at all. Started out as a well intentioned display of compassion for some of our brethren down under....and was off topic. Somehow it turned into a bitter, misguided, totally unnecessary spewing of politically motivated, personal agenda propelled, pile of absolute garbage.

This forum is intended to be used by those who have an interest in WWI aircraft, their history, WWI in general, and the game the forum heading is associated with.

Off topic is fine, but please keep it within reasonable boundaries. You wanna' talk about politics, religion or some other inherently inflammatory subject ....please go do it in a different forum. There's a couple of million of 'em out there that cater to that sort of thing. This isn't the place for it.


I have to agree (even though I posted an inflammatory statement myself, which I wish to retract forthwith...It was due to some equally stupid comments, and I apologise unreservedly to all those I may have upset)

I am, on a personal level, going to make sure I don't make rash comments on this forum again...due in part, but not excused by.. A large volume of Mrs Miggin's potato wine!
Dear all,
What I find interesting about many of the comments is that many betray ignorance about the actual situation. Each and every one of us have our own experience through life, but of course they are not all the same experiences. If I think of a fire I think of an incident in my kitchen when the fat saucepan caught on fire. However those that have 1st hand experience of forest fires must have a very different view when "fire" is mentioned. In England we are far more familiar with heavy rain and flooding. I recall reading about the heat from forest fires being so intense that trees untouched by the actual flames were exploding with the heat. Even though I can imagine this I still cannot get my head around why many people were burned to death in their cars trying to would think that cars are quite fast..........with a clear road. But it might not have been clear and I am guessing that fires can spread at an alarming rate with those temperatures..........but I have never ACTUALLY seen it with my own eyes...(and I don't think I want to).
This also makes me think about a chap in England who was caught in floods and got his foot caught in a drain. People tried to save him but he drowned eventually. One could that happen?? But when you REALLY think about it, it was probably freezing cold, dark and the water currents probably did not help.
We cannot help being ignorant of many things just because of our geographical position and limited personal experiences. We just need to think harder about things we know relatively little about.
Best regards,
Growing-up in Long Island, my father was heavily involved in the local Volunteer Fire Department and eventually became Chief.

I sat through many a Fire Prevention course, and was shocked over and over again at how fast a fire can break-out and consume a house/neighborhood.

But this... he described things like this as well. This is fire at it's worst.

Taken from

"New fires blamed on arsonists hit Australia Wednesday as the toll from deadly blazes was likely to rise on the macabre discovery that charred remains initially identified as single bodies were in fact couples fused together by the heat."


I agree wholeheartedly with your comments.

This is a vibrant community re-energised by the release of OFFBHaH. Just look at the number of daily posts!

So, come on guys let's stick to the primary purpose of this forum. With this fabulous sim we will always find plenty to talk about.



I agree 100% Nio, same with Parky. OT is fun and a nice change-up to learn a little more about each other and take a break from WWI topics. But it needs to be clean and appropriate for all to read and respect.

Not one-liners that do nothing but piss-off everyone, or for that matter, going off on a soap-box with personal, self-motivated comments that do nothing short of convolute the entire forum.

I will take this up with Middle and ask him to consider the unthinkable (and un-likable) word 'banning' if this continues.

And as much as I joke around a lot, I don't take this as one. It needs to stop now. There are 1000's of other forums out there built to suit that type of posting. This isn't one of them.

Read the closed thread.......the usual suspects again.
Not very surprised really.
Well said Parky,and please do OVS.
I would like to say that i am disappointed that the thread - initiated through sympathy for Aussies and thankfulness for living in England where such events do not exist - became hijacked into the political dogmas which were aired.
I'm as political as the next man, but that wasn't the place to indulge in such

From down here, thanks for your kind thoughts and words for our Victorian brethren.

I am not in the area affected, but I do know some people involved, and let me assure you,kind thoughts,prayers and good intentions ARE what will heal them. THANK YOU.

Very well said, and you are all welcome. Like I said in my post in that thread as well, I found the people were great, and the land was beautiful! :)


PS.. Dude.. I am LOVING that avatar of yours! Nice one! Let's see my very bad German... 'For Freedom and Democracy... I can read the rest. But the carving looks familar. Is that from the D-Day/Normandy memorial in Caen, France?
I enjoy the OFF p3 threads - I read often but post seldom, and normally only when I have something useful to add. thanks to those that provided good thoughts for us Aussies and our 180 (at least) dead, 5000 homeless, lots of animals dead, 1000 dwellings destroyed etc less than 100km from my front door. It is nice to know we have moral support from outside our borders.

to say i was :censored: OFF that some 'individual' (troll?) - forum rules prevent me from saying if I think he is a complete clown or not - with previous form for inappropriate posting to promote his political agenda is a complete understatement.

I love my country the way it is and for what it can be, we all vote (some reluctantly) for what we do and don't want, and after the Port Arthur massacre the majority of the 16 million (at the time) population spoke loud and clear on the kind of society we wanted.

apologies for the rant, it is just that the trolling was really offensive to me. sorry if I have now hijacked this thread.
Sadly some good friends of my Brother (who lives in Victoria) were lost.
Along with their two children.
A tragedy, made worse when you hear some were re-started by arsonists!...May the thought of what they did haunt them to their grave!
Herr OvS,
My avatar shows the Old Imperial colours,with the Mahnen Stein overlaid. More at

Murray, I thought you and Havoc were down that way. Praise God you and yours are safe.
Any word of Havoc?

It's at times like this you gather some sense of what is truly important.
As harrowing as the images in the print and electric media have and continue to be, viewing them has given me something of a priority shake up.

It goes without saying that any individual in CFS overalls should never have to buy their own beer again!
Salute Fire Fighters every where.
Sadly some good friends of my Brother (who lives in Victoria) were lost.
Along with their two children.
A tragedy, made worse when you hear some were re-started by arsonists!...May the thought of what they did haunt them to their grave!

Good Lord, I as so sorry to hear this Widow. Please send our prayers to your brother. No one deserves a fate like this, especially children.

They found the a-hole that did this in California a few years back, they'll find these guys as well. What makes it worse is when they catch the guy, he comes up with the lame excuse of 'I was mad at the world' or 'I was abused as a child'. I'm so sick of hearing that.

It's scenarios like this that warrents immediate action using Capitol Punishment, by Firing Squad. Once found guilty, march 'em out, and end it right there. No, they sit in a jail cell, for years, and appeal to they grow old, on the tax payers dollars.

Man, I am so sorry to hear the is an act of human violence... once again.

Prayers to them all. Love live Oz!
