German Aces of WW2



Ive been thinking about it a bit bu t cant come 2 a conclusion why german pilots and for that matter japanese pilots 2 scored so incredibly high. If you compare a good german ace with 350-100 kills to a good American/British ace with 30-10 kills.
Ive been thinking about it a bit bu t cant come 2 a conclusion why german pilots and for that matter japanese pilots 2 scored so incredibly high. If you compare a good german ace with 350-100 kills to a good American/British ace with 30-10 kills.

:kilroy:It's quite simple, actually. The German pilots didn't get rotated out of action, or for that matter, didn't get to take much of "break" from the action. They were all in it for the duration of the war, or were killed, severely wounded, or captured. There are a number of other factors, too.

This should give you some answers:
Right it all makes sense now. But I've read that Erich Hartmann and some others got quite regular breaks in Luftwaffe terms.
Many Luftwaffe pilots have fought because they wanted to fight till the end.
Hartmann (and many others) never accepted other assignments like instructor.

"The reasons of such individual successes, could be found in the bravery and sacrifice the Luftwaffe Fighters Pilots had to shown in their daily fights to survive (some of them never stopped fighting during the 5 years of the conflict !) .... when they succeeded to do it: no less than one third of these very skilled and outstanding pilots, finally lost their life too in this attrition war..."

Look here:
German Pilots war duty

Hi Mario

Joining what Oberstdanjeje said, to make an example (even though He was not a fighter pilot) the famous Stuka ace Hans Ulrich Rudel flew something like 2.530 combat missions which make an average of 1.22 missions/day if You count all the days from September 1st 1939 to May 8th 1945.
This explains many things, I think

Cheers :ernae: and have always good flying

P.S. If You want MAW contact Schuss (find him in the OFF dvd swap thread in the Over Flander's Fields forum), He lives in South Africa and I sent him MAW and the v1.0 version of ETO-E :wavey:
Whats all this OFF that everyone talks about, at the risk of me sounding stupid

Whats all this OFF that everyone talks about, at the risk of me sounding stupid

Hi Mario

OFF (or OFF-P2) stands for Over Flander's Fields (-Phase 2) and is a CFS3 free expansion (like ETO-E, MAW, PTO or KTCS), or it will be better to say a completely new simulator concerning WW1.
Phase 2 was available for d/l for about an year but the server costs forced the OFF team to remove it from the net and now it is only available via dvd swap program (see the OFF forum here on SOH).
There is a Phase 3 coming but it will be payware at a foreseen cost of about 50 dollars.

Cheers :ernae: and have always good flying
Cristiano "Astore" (Goshawk)
The reason the Germans and Japanese Aces have higher numbers of kills than the allies pilot are many.First of all to be able to be a Ace you need opportunity to have kills. The Axis have a lot more opportunity to get kills than most allies pilots ever had. They spend a lot more time on the front line than the avearage ally pilot ever did. There is also the reliabelity of Axis records. I do not think that their records should be taken as serious as Aviation historian have taken them.

They used their pilots as propaganda tools especialy when they started to lose the war. Many Axis pilots where shot down several times and through God grace and been luck where able to join the Arial war again.

There is no dout in my mind that Axis fighter pilots kill records where some what inflated by miscalculation and for the purpose of propaganda.

We should not take Axis pilot kill record as absolute records.

On the other hand Axis pilots where very well train pilots and extremey brave men who for the most part where only quilty of fighting for the wrong side. Most lost their live defending their country and their home.

Their archievement are as great as any of the Allies pilots. In many cases they outfought the Allies.

Evendow Iäm a firm believer in the Democracy and freedom and of Human rights I have nothing but the outmost respect for all pilots of World war two and Aviation war History.

This post is has just been written to express my opinion. :wavey:
Well this has cleared my mind of that question, thanks guys!:wiggle:
Ok could you maybe exlain all these acronyms to me? PTO, ETO, OFF, MAW. Haha please:isadizzy:
These are different addons put together my members of this community for the purpose of enhancing this program for our colective enjoyment of this hobby!

They are located in different Websites.

MAW is located here

PTO here

ETO here

OFF Here

Av history AC improvements here

Korea here


This is not the only good Combat Sim out there but it is a good one.
Only thing is that simulator gods don't like me, my computer freezes a lot with add-ons you cannot imagine the frustration.:banghead:
BTW I have Korean skys expansion, and i have all the sea fury and corsairs on cfs3, how do you export them?:wiggle::kilroy:
BTW I have Korean skys expansion, and i have all the sea fury and corsairs on cfs3, how do you export them?:wiggle::kilroy:

Hi MarioS

You have to copy the aircraft files from the CFS3 folders to the respective KTCS ones, I mean that You have to copy not only the aircraft but also all the related additional files like "Gauges", "Pylons", "Sound", "Shared" and so on, cause if You miss but one of the necessary file You will not be able to use that plane or worse your sim would crash (but I see that it is a frequent event for You)

Cheers :ernae: and .....good luck
Cristiano "Astore"
Ah I see, and yes haha it is very frequent, and is there any way to change KTCS's water, it worksthe same as land making torpedos completely useless.
P.S I have gotten hold of Schuss thanx alot!
Ah I see, and yes haha it is very frequent, and is there any way to change KTCS's water, it worksthe same as land making torpedos completely useless.
P.S I have gotten hold of Schuss thanx alot!

Hi MarioS

AFAIK the water problem was the cause for what KTCS was not expanded and unfortunately the only guy who can make something (Ed Wilson, may He fly in clearer skies) has passed away.

Cheers :ernae: and have always good flying
Cristiano "Astore" (Goshawk)