German Radar


Charter Member
On behalf of Dancat I've uploaded the German Radar he made for the ETO expansion. It wasn't included in the ETO because he simply didn't have the time to rename the files to make it a standalone item. However, it's a welcome addition to the sim and we thank him for it. It ought to be up in cfs3 scenery add-ons sometime today.
Hi Guys,

Its a great addon, and will be a worthy replacemnet of the stock radar in cfs3.

heres how it looks under netting, just muckin about earlier tonight..

The model has now been made into a standalone and a facility file is in the works for it. ETO 1st quarter update 2009 should see this model in conjuntion with others in a new radar facilty for missions and gsl placement.

regards Rob.
Well Beau...I guess it;'s one of those Dancat Radars that the Germans used from time to time,lol. Seriously ,you'd have to ask Jon about that.
less drunk now (but not much)
I'm sure I'll be back to cfs3.
maybe not to play but I can't stop working on the models.
I'll send Middle some more beta stuff to upload if he wants.

Hi Jon

Great work that radar .......and BTW what about your marvelous FW-190?

Cheers :ernae: and have always good flying