German Training Aircraft Battle of Britain era


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Does anyone know of a German Training Aircraft from the BoB era I could download?
I have searched the libray but could not see anything.

Hallo Oliver,

the german training aircraft for fighter pilots was the Arado Ar-96b.
It was the german counter part to the american North American T-6.
Also where used after the dedeat of France several ex-french fighters,
as the the Morane 406 and the Dewoitine D520.
As primary trainer the Luftwaffe used the Bücker Bü-131 Jungmann, later the
Bücker Bü-181 Bestmann.
You will find all these planes here in the SOH library or at
apart the Bücker Bü181 Best mann that I know only as a payware from Lionheart Creations.
Laterr near the end of the war The Luftwaffe used some few two seater versions of the
Messerschmitt Me 109 (Me 109 G-12) and the Focke Wulf Fw 190 (Fw-190 S).
On my knowledge sadly there are no Flightsim versions avaible of these two birds.
I hope that my little indications might help you.

Happy landings
Michael "Papi" Vader
I've had a look in the SOH Library and do not find the Arado Ar-96b, or the Bücker Bü-131 for CFS3. Can you point me in the right direction?
These aircraft are available as freeware for CFS2 (Arado) and FS9/FSX (Jungmann) but not as yet for CFS3 afaik.
Thanks for the replies.

Pity about the Arado and Jungman but a least I know I wasn't missing something when I searched!
The only German trainers I know of are not BoB period; an old version of the MS.406, a more recent D.520, and a relatively recent Bf109g-6. Not what you're looking for, but perhaps worth saying anyway...
Did the Krauts ever use the BEE-U-TEE-ful bf-108 for anything? That l'il sled would be such a gas to putt about in CFS3!! :mixed-smiley-010:

...AND, Owen, are there any mission possibilities for our Brewster in MAW??
Sure Pops,
I am in the middle of a mission frenzy in ETO right now, as soon as this is finished ( got 50 done another 20 to 30 to go..)
I can jump back into MAW..
Oh yea!!
Thanks, Laddie :applause: Ya' are truly a Prince among the "makers of missions"!

...I figure ya must acquire the massive amounts of yer mission buildin' powers from trapesin' all over
Ohio with them hairy hobbit feet 'a yers... :running:(sorry, this wee smiley refuses ta take off them weird shoes...)
I like the idea of a Bücker Bü-131, great for the BoB era. I'll put it on the 'to do' list.

If anyone knows someone with a gmax source they're willing to share please let me know :).
I like the idea of a Bücker Bü-131, great for the BoB era. I'll put it on the 'to do' list.

If anyone knows someone with a gmax source they're willing to share please let me know :).

The FS9 model converts nicely. Plenty of work would need to be done as you know :dizzy:

The FS9 model converts nicely. Plenty of work would need to be done as you know

That looks promising, but still a lot of work as you say! I ought to learn my lesson and start from scratch next aeroplane or else get the gmax source.