Getting CFS3 multiplayer working in Vista and Windows 7


Staff member
Since Microsoft shut down its game server service for CFS3 the only option for online players is IP-to-IP games (Join Private Game on CFS3's Multiplayer menu). Vista and Windows 7 will not allow a program called CFS3.exe to connect online, so follow the instructions in this thread to get online.

If you prefer video guides, Tailwind's excellent videos are linked velow.

This thread combines information from previous sticky threads by Deadmeat1971, Blacksheep-ghost03, Tailwind, Grizzly50 and others.
Connecting online with Vista

For VISTA users:-

Note: You will have to allow extensions for all known file types to be seen on your machine, or the re-naming will not work.
Here is how to do that:
For seeing hidden files and folders, and revealing file-name extentions:
Open a folder, say My Documents. At top left click on Organize and then Folder and Search Options. Click on View and you will find both selections in the list.

Here goes. Maybe this will seem clearer:

1. Copy the cfs3.exe icon from the Combat Flight Simulator 3 main game folder in question and paste it to a safe location anywhere outside of the main game folder. Your desktop will do just fine.

2. Go out to your desktop, or where ever you copied it to, and rename it to whatever name you choose, keeping the extension intact (*.exe). Example: Rename cfs3.exe to cfs3mp.exe.

3. Cut (DO NOT COPY) and paste this newly-named icon from the desktop (or where else you copied it to) from there, back into the Combat Flight Simulator 3 main game folder.
Note: Do not delete the original cfs3.exe from your main game folder.

4. While still in the Combat Flight Simulator 3 main game folder at this time, right-click on the newly-pasted icon and send it to the desktop. This will be your CFS3 Start icon.

5. Now go back out onto the desktop and look for the new cfs3mp.exe you just sent there. Then right-click on it and select Properties. Then pick Compatibility and check "'Run this program in compatibility mode for: Windows XP (Service Pack 2)" under Compatibility mode. Check Top toys and Menards Ad. You may also want to choose "Run as administrator".

I hope this helps.

(originally posted by Grizzly50)
Connecting online with Windows 7 (part 1)

Here's what you do to set up CFS3 in Windows 7 for multiplayer.

First install CFS3 on Windows 7. Just stick the CDs in the drive and let it get on with it. There's no special tricks even in 64-bit, the default options work just fine. You'll finish up with a CFS3 icon on your desktop. Fly the thing, then update to 3.1a via the two patches from Microsoft's CFS3 site and fly it again. You now have a vanilla CFS3.1a installation.

This is the 64-bit version of Windows 7 Home Premium. Find the CFS3 icon on your Desktop:-

View attachment 64823

View attachment 64824

View attachment 64825

You now have a copy of cfs3.exe named cfs3-Copy.exe. Rename this - I've called mine CFS3Online.exe:-

View attachment 64826

Create a shortcut to this renamed copy:-

View attachment 64827

View attachment 64828

The shortcut can now be configured for multiplayer via the shortcut's properties:-

View attachment 64829

View attachment 64830
Connecting online with Windows 7 (part 2)

So far it's like configuring for Vista, but up to now CFS3 will still crash if you try to connect!

There's one thing remaining, OLEACC.DLL. It's in your CFS3 folder and it must be deleted before multiplayer will work (don't shed any tears for this file, Win7 has its own version on the system):-

View attachment 64831

You're now ready to fly online using the CFS3Online shortcut. Watch your six, especially if Tailwind's around...
I use XP, but I still can't connect to register my account to play ETO and MAW online. I receive an error message like there is no internet connection. What shall I do to correct this?
I use XP, but I still can't connect to register my account to play ETO and MAW online. I receive an error message like there is no internet connection. What shall I do to correct this?


You can't register an account.

M$ shut down their GameMatch Servers in the Fall of 2007, due to the fact that there was a problem working CFS3 online through the Vista OS.

Some of our members here at SOH have fixed this problem in both Vista and Win 7.

Online play is IP to IP.

You have to do port forwarding, either for online or across a router.

That means you have to open your firewall to CFS3.

Once you have done that, start CFS3 normally and click the Options tab in the upper right-hand corner of the screen. Then Multiplayer Options and set all your parameters there.

Now the host will start his game on his machine, and go to host game and set the parameters there.

IGNORE COMPLETELY anything that has to do with accounts and the GameMatch servers, as they no longer apply.

Anyone joining from another computer will need the IP address of the host. He will have to click on the Multiplayer tab and Join Private game, then enter the IP address.
Thank you Grizzly for pointing that out. I have managed to host a game. But, how do I find other host's IP addresses to connect to? Should private games appear in the games list? At what time there is the most games being hosted?
Thank you Grizzly for pointing that out. I have managed to host a game. But, how do I find other host's IP addresses to connect to? Should private games appear in the games list? At what time there is the most games being hosted?


I'm very glad to hear that you've got it sorted.

SOH has two servers, this one, which we are on now:

There is also this one, which is dedicated to online flying:

This second server is not a game server for CFS3, but has a section dedicated to it for use by CFS3 online flyers so that they can contact one another in a thread to post games.

There is also a TeamSpeak 3 server provided there for verbal communications between players during games.

We fly dogfights, missions, etc, in the different CFS3-based theaters, Stock CFS3, ETO Expansion, PTO Rising Sun, etc.

Come on over to and register there, too, then contact us in the CFS3 section over there and get acquainted.

New players and hosts are always very much welcome.

Oh, and be forewarned, some of us over there aren't too tightly wrapped. Oh, not me, of course. I'm perfectly normal. ;)

Come give us a look-see at I think you'll enjoy it.

There are a bunch of Europeans there as well.
Here's what you do to set up CFS3 in Windows 7 for multiplayer.

Here is one thing I learned I had to do to get CFS3 to install on a WIN7 machine that wasn't mentioned anywhere else:
I had to remove all ADOBE products to be able to connect to a game and not have aircraft mismatch errors.
One tip: After finally getting CFS3 to run, create a restore point on you computer using Windows Control Panel/Security.
This way if ADOBE products get installed later and CFS3 quits working again, you can always go back to your restore point and restore the configuration that lets CFS3 work.
Hope this might help someone that is having trouble installing CFS3 on WIN7. It took me two weeks of trial and error to make it happen and getting rid of Adobe products was final solution in my case.
Here is one thing I learned I had to do to get CFS3 to install on a WIN7 machine that wasn't mentioned anywhere else:
I had to remove all ADOBE products to be able to connect to a game and not have aircraft mismatch errors.
One tip: After finally getting CFS3 to run, create a restore point on you computer using Windows Control Panel/Security.
This way if ADOBE products get installed later and CFS3 quits working again, you can always go back to your restore point and restore the configuration that lets CFS3 work.
Hope this might help someone that is having trouble installing CFS3 on WIN7. It took me two weeks of trial and error to make it happen and getting rid of Adobe products was final solution in my case.

Very odd! I have Photoshop CS2 and Acrobat Reader 11.0.05 and have no problem with CFS3 in Win7. Which Adobe programs do you use?
Could this have something to do with ADOBE AIR? I once installed a program that installed adobe air. It automatically assigned the .air-files to itself. Had a real hard time assignign them back to airedit.
Very odd! I have Photoshop CS2 and Acrobat Reader 11.0.05 and have no problem with CFS3 in Win7. Which Adobe programs do you use?

I had many Adobe programs present. I think the Adobe Air was the culprit like previous posting implied, but not sure. I realize you have to have some Adobe programs least Adobe Reader. The way I handle that is to create a version point with Windows after removing all Adobe products. Then I can reload Adobe products. Then when I need to start CFS3 for a multiplayer game, I use Windows to return to the computer configuration version created after removing all Adobe products. Somewhat of a pain, but it works.