Getting Chatter To Work On Standard CFS3/Firepower Solution


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After three long years, I FINALLY figured out how to hear radio chatter on CFS3 ,and with Firepower. Choose one, or all of these entries, and place them in your aircraft's XDP file in the "Effects" section, usually located at the bottom. Doesn't really matter where, but advise you place them, or just one as the last entry:

<Effect Type="Track" EffectName="fx_chatterA" PosX="0.00" PosY="0.00" PosZ="0.00" MinVel="90" MaxVel="100"/>
<Effect Type="Track" EffectName="fx_chatterB" PosX="0.00" PosY="0.00" PosZ="0.00" MinVel="90" MaxVel="100"/>
<Effect Type="Track" EffectName="fx_chatterG" PosX="0.00" PosY="0.00" PosZ="0.00" MinVel="90" MaxVel="100"/>

If you're an allied player, US for example, use "chatterA", if British, "ChatterB" and of course "chatterG" for Luftwaffe. You can use all three but I found it kind of irritating cause all three will play at the same time, but, if you're good with that, go for it. *IMPORTANT NOTE: these entries also have to be entered in your game's main "Effects" and "Sound" XML's or they won't work. For the "Effects" they can be found in the "ProjectLight", or "N-Effects Package" files. Both available on here. Best "Sound" XML that has it pretty much completed for you, or, you can still tweak it the way you want, is available from the "CFS3 1940" game files.
And obviously, you'll need the "sound wav" files to match which there are many to choose from.

I spent close to nine months modding my CFS3 using various aircraft, ships, and vehicles you name it from all the other CFS3 expansions, and works great! So, anybody has any questions regarding this, or any other modding issue, feel free to contact me.
Nice work, it does take a while to get your head around it.
It works best if you add it to ai or wingmen aircraft, do you have the BoB install, it's used a lot in that. If I remember rightly the necessary effects are already in the ETO too.
I got the idea from BoB actually, it took forever, but figured out a way to get it working without loading the aircraft folder with a ton of AI. If you seen how many AC I have in my modded CFS3, would shock you that it runs without hardly any crashes at all, my TechTree is a mile long. Only issue I still haven't resolved is no matter what I've tried with NEK, still get nothing but US AC, ships and vehicles as the enemy. (I'm a Luftwaffe pilot) Believe me when I tell you I tried it all! Cswap, editing the country files, with firepower and without, I'm at al loss on that one. Hopefully it won't be another three years to remedy it. :)

Later, I'll post a YouTube vid so everyone can see my modded version.
So, WRT to say the 8th USAAF and accompanying escorts, and the Luftwaffe, do we have suitable chatter for such scenarios; I assume not? I have not looked into this aspect in any details as always used Clive's ai chatter ac for my BoB missions. It would be interesting if one could have chatter for my Schweingurt-Regensburg missions.
Not that I've seen, what I've done over the years is downloaded all the expansions for CFS3, not to play, just the game files into their own folders and went through all the vehicles, ships, AC etc., and found various sound wav files that both the original, and BoB didn't have and used them. The best two in my opinion, "CFS3 1940" and "The Other War" Believe you can find both of those on the next to last pages of the "Missions and Campaigns" section on this site, highly recommend downloading those two, most recent files for CFS3. I used the BDP and ship file for the USS Enterprise from either the MAW, or PTO files, and on a whim, I ended up attacking it on a mission in the English channel, was great. You just have to dabble around with various files and see what works, and what don't, eventually you'll get it down.