Getting closer with AI, but no cigar yet.

Navy Chief

Senior Member
I reinstalled Traffic 2005. Had uninstalled it some time ago.

I tried using the Tools program that comes with it, and it is quite easy to use.

I added new AI aircraft, and created flight plans with relative ease, but nothing is showing up.

Here's the question. After I compiled, using that tools program, I noticed that in addition to the Aircraft, and Flight plans.txt files I had decompiled with TTools, I now have the same type of files, but without the numbers. So are they totally separate .txt files? How do I combine them?


I reinstalled Traffic 2005. Had uninstalled it some time ago.

I tried using the Tools program that comes with it, and it is quite easy to use.

I added new AI aircraft, and created flight plans with relative ease, but nothing is showing up.

Here's the question. After I compiled, using that tools program, I noticed that in addition to the Aircraft, and Flight plans.txt files I had decompiled with TTools, I now have the same type of files, but without the numbers. So are they totally separate .txt files? How do I combine them?



You don't mention the airport text file, you must compile all three together (highlight all three together) and put the BGL in a scenery folder of your choice.

TTools 'should' place your newly created BGL file 'in' FS for you, ready to go, ready to see.

To check this, go into FS/Scenery/World/scenery and look for your traffic file you created. It will be a BGL file.

Some reasons that planes will not show up;
* Wrong time zone, remember its GMT, no matter where. You can match time in FS with the GMT via going to Time/Date when in a flight.
* Not enough time for the plane to enter traffic, then land.
* Too many in one airfield. They must have all have a place to land or some (or all) will not show up. Usually if you have 5 spots, you would be limited to 5 AI birds showing up. So if you have 10 assigned, only 5 will show up in parking tiedowns.
* Fuel range; when maxed out, your AI planes crash. (Funny to watch them ditch. Ok, not funny.. ).
* Sometimes if you assign them all to leave and arrive at identicle times at identicle airfields, they will stack and ATC will keep making everyone go around. Perhaps a space of 5 to 10 min's is good.
* Make sure the airplanes in your file are exactly named
* Make sure the Traffic Bagel (BGL file) is named, for instance NavyChief, instead of renaming another file by accident. Renaming it to the stock FS traffic Bagel for instance might cause issues and TTools may not have overwritten it if you did do that.

Keep looking through the various entries to make sure you have everything right. I find it difficult at times to locate the errors in mine, but a little time looking them over will usually show you the cause.
Here's a funny thing to do, super easy.

First, copy/paste the original actual FS traffic Bagel and hide it somewhere, like in a BACKUPs folder in FS.

Then open/decompile the main traffic Bagel.

Open up the 'airplanes' TXT file.

Now, begin entering your fave planes into 'relatively the same' type of aircraft types. For instance, if you have the Epic LT, place that in the slots for the Beech Kingair. Choose another for the Cessna 182, the 747, etc.

Remember to use the same 'types' that will fly the same speeds, altitudes, etc.

Recompile the TXT files into the new BGL, and open up FS.

All AI traffic is now changed to other types of planes, lolol... Takes like 5 min's to do.

Remember, planes that cannot cross the ocean as like the 747 (fuel ranges) will crash or disappear.

Remember also, you can alter various flightplans, reverse them, and also copy/paste and add variant aircraft as well. For instance, use 4 747 or 737 FP's for use as Phantom jet flights. You can also use alternate 'area' airports, such as Luke AFB instead of Phoenix Sky Harbor. Change out the four letter airport codes and put in the new codes, and Voila. Keep the area/distance the same though (within 10 miles or so) so that time issues dont arrise.

Helpful hint on looking for airport flight plans in the Flightplans TXT file. Open with Notepad. Hit Control / F. Put in the airport code you are looking for and hit Enter. You can now scan down the list, auto-locating each airport code entry you are looking for each time you hit Enter. Really makes it go fast.

thanks for the tips. I downloaded and installed not only Yroute, but other programs as well. For now, I have got to give it a break. I cannot get things to compile/decompile correctly, and for now at least, understanding and getting this to work are once again eluding me. For some reason, I just can't get it.

When you "COMPILE" your 3 files into TT, it will show you any errors in a screen at the bottom. That tells you if anything is missing or mis-identified. As mentioned before, If you have a traffic, airfield and aircraft file in some folder. Copy and paste those into TT. Then do a compile and it should show you any errors. Sometimes it is a missing airfield, misnamed aircraft or errors in the flightplans(traffic file). You can copy and paste airfields from other files that work. In aircraft, it is looking for the exact name as listed at the top of an aircraft entry in your acft.cfg file. Traffic is a bit more complex and would take too long to explain how to do it manually. Best to use some traffic creation program for that. FSAOM will do it.
Mistakes I've made in aircraft names are to have the aircraft's title= name wrong or be missing a quotation mark (") on either end of the name in the aircraft file.