I canceled out after about 2 hours, but did not uninstall. Just left everything there. Came back and restarted a few hours later, received the full que screen. Shut that after about 1/2 hour, and came back a couple hours later. It started downloading again to the 97% point. Went into kitchen for a drink, came back and the sim had started. Since then, I have always been able to start it with no problems, usually 3-5 minutes before ready to fly. I did have a major problem Friday evening when the first update automatically downloaded and installed. Sim would not load beyond 25 seconds, before throwing an error/crash screen. One of the things to try was uninstall, reboot, and reinstall. Since then, usually 2-5 minutes from clicking "play" in the XBox app, which is the only way to start the store version, to ready to fly.