Getting ready for the Defiant!

Pat Pattle

Here's a new airfield, a home for Gregs & Johns Defiant model which is hopefully coming along this year (pretty please :))

264 Sqdn were based here during the Battle of Britain

Kirton in Lindsey.


I was just wondering to myself if anyone was working on a 'Defiant'

Will it be included in the March Update?
Exellent work Clive, you and the other ETO boys make this simulator so much worth while than the original. Keep up the good work, it is very much appreciated by many!:kiss:
Very nice Pat! I can't help but wonder, wouldn't it look a bit more realistic if the runway sections were lighter than the surrounding grass? Think of a golf course and the differences between, rough, fairway and green. Each gets a little more "shiny" with less shadow for each decrease in cut height. It may be a buggar to render in the mosaics (reversed) but I can't help dwelling on it. Anyway, it's very clean and well ordered as it is. Just increadible next to the stock rubbish that would have pranged a biplane!
I can't help but wonder, wouldn't it look a bit more realistic if the runway sections were lighter than the surrounding grass?

Looking at aerial views of grass airfields sometimes they appear lighter (Fowlmere) or others darker (Eaglescot). I've tried making them both ways, neither look particularily great but I think it's more important that they are delineated in some way at least.

Pat :)
OK Pat, I figured as much. Sometimes it depends on the direction they ran the mower! Ha-ha. :icon_lol: Just terrific all the same!
