How do I get the Defiant Gunner to pull his finger out?
I fly into a bomber stream.....the world and his wife open up on us...we emerge from bomber stream looking like a sieve and my gunner has not fired a shot!
How can I get him to be a bit more proactive?
Hi Oliver, I've not seen this problem. You have to give your gunner a clear shot of course.
Also, are you in QC or a mission? It's always seems to me that cfs3 comes alive in missions or a campaign - you see things that don't occur in quick combat.
Just tried a simple mission and my man put up a good show despite the fact that I forgot to lower the turret fairings!
I had to learn how to use Her when I built the missions for Her.
The Defiant likes to be close enough to start with to the enemy..
Too far away and the AI doesn't shoot, but within the proper range the AI managed to shoot up several of the enemy aircraft..
I too often use the auto pilot and jump into the turret and bang away myself.
They did see somewhat limited use early in the war, The idea of No forward firing guns didn't seem to work out very well.
But what seemed to be a good idea when built, didn't work out well against a determined enemy..
And the Bf 109's had a field day shooting them down..Bummer..
...I think the idea of the Defiant stemmed from the 1930's when some bright spark came up with the idea that with increasing airspeeds the day of the dogfight was over and all an intercepter had to do was get among the bombers, fly along side and bang away! No need for forward firing guns!...
Or it was an idea still left from WW1 when an observer in the back of a 2 seater (e.g. Bristol Fighter) would be very useful.
I have to admit I have only used it in QC.
I will build and try some missions and or campaign and see what happens.
Also I was interested in your comment on lowering the turret fairings! Didn't know I had to do that and whilst on the subject how do I lower them?
How do I get the Defiant Gunner to pull his finger out?
I fly into a bomber stream.....the world and his wife open up on us...we emerge from bomber stream looking like a sieve and my gunner has not fired a shot!
How can I get him to be a bit more proactive?