Ghost town


Charter Member
Well, this forum seems to have died. Really sorry to see it. I have been a member of SOH for many years beginning with fs9. I fly almost excusively XP 11 and re
arely use FSX or P3D except for the brilliant Crusader and the C-130 mod.

I think most of those in the "X-Plane invasion" of 2018 went back to MSFS/P3D as their primary simulators or use the "official" X-Plane forums as a source of information.

After a long time of not using XP at all due to all sorts of frustrations (and trying to get into FlightGear), I recently got back into it thanks to the lockdown, frequently working from home and AutoATC, which finally provides an integrated AI/ATC system akin to what MSFS/P3D had (although it still needs a lot of work, but the developer is very active and responsive).
Productive flying is still very rare though and most of my time is spend testing and writing scripts.

I do still take a daily look at MSFS related forums and get the occasional minor itch, but there's no way back for me. Linux is my primary OS now and all MSFS-engine based simulators run like garbage on it anyway.
I am still flying XP11 quite regularly, along with P3DV4, and even FSX from time to time. I don't tend to post a lot in here, but do read posts. It has gone quiet, which is a shame, but I think Bjoern may be right saying that most people go to the XP org forums for all their info. Maybe just not that many XP users on this site?
You may be right, that this is primarily a MS flight sim site. There is a lot going on in the XP world, including 11.50 which may be released soon, and a great F-35 update. We will just have to wait and see.
I'm here, just lurking mostly. Don't have much to say. But I do fly X plane sometimes, and read the posts. I like the new T-6.
I was hot on XP at first and still think that some of the graphics look far better than FSX but I was also excited to be able to convert all my sceneries over to XP. When I found that wasn't possible and I was looking at having to start over from scratch I found XP far less inviting. I stayed with it for about 6 months (maybe less) and then shelved it. I did go back to it a month ago to have another look but after a year and a half of not using it I had forgotten how to set everything up and finally uninstalled it. I fly exclusively FSX now with an occasional run in P3D to test airplanes for Rob Richardson. If I ever make a move again it'll be to FS2020, but only if my current rig is able to handle it.
X-Plane 11 is the most modern sim I run. It’s honestly a breath of fresh air in many aspects. I’ve kept it pretty click to stock, outside of Active Sky and a small collection of aircraft. This forum may be quiet, but that doesn’t mean that there isn’t any interest.
There are some neat aircraft that have been released for P3D lately so I thought I’d mosey over to my version 4.5 and give them a try.

it only lasted 5 minutes. I have a pretty good system with almost all sliders to the right, using Orbx products and other payware add ons, but it still looks like a cartoon. I’ve seen other screen shots In P3D 4.5 that look terrific but I bet it was in 4K. I know there are others that have lots of moolah invested and would never switch.

To wrap this up, visually X-PLANE is so much better that LM. LM has a MUCH better atc, flight planning, and is easier to set up. To each his own I guess. We’ll see what happens when FS2020 is released.
It took me years to change over too X-Plane. I started with XP9 back when FSX was still supported and before I started working on the P-61. XP10 was nice and I spent a lot of time with it, but it really took the advent of XP11 and the Ryzen line of CPUs before it got exciting. I saw things with Ryzen most people didnt see or understand, and I've been in love with X-Plane ever since. As for starting over?? Well, you guys have known me a very long time (about fifteen years ) so you know I'm a collector. My X-Plane folder exceeds 300 gigabyte and I'm looking at maybe adding another two terrabyte drive for MSFS2020 (depending on if there is any truth in their advertising or not. I dont want another FSX ). I still have P3DV4 but i'll be honest; it looks like ****. I flys on rails, and is boring too me. Mind you, X-Plane is far from perfect. It seems no one making X-Plane aircraft can make a decent Autopilot. Thats one thing that FSX and P3D had worked out too perfection. You could switch from VNAV-LNav mid flight to ALT-VS-HDG without a blink. Cant do that with most X-Plane aircraft I've tried and it bugs the living tarnation out of me.. But I dont do military any more, and even my use of tubes has dropped a long ways, so X-Plane which is perfect for GA and Twin Engine stuff is perfect for me.. I've got my BBJ if I want to do a medium legged flight, and I've got the Twotter and a few others for when i feel like pulling something that makes people scratch their heads. You;ll find the availability of payware quality free scenery is overwhelming. Thats whats taking up most of my hard drive. I just downloaded Papua New Guinea, and Teds LAX. MisterX is good mind you, and free, but Ive still only got a mid level Ryzen 7 and not a supercomputer. That Ryzen, with the availability of Vulkan now gives me between 48 to 120 FPS depending on the aircraft I'm flying and the scenery I'm using. I've got 24gigs of DDR4 for reference, and I am underclocked 100 mhz to help extend the life of the CPU. My GPU is a GTX1070 so, its also pretty middle of the road, but its a very nice middle of the road..
Will I rebuild with FS2020?? Thats going to depend on how much bullhockey MS is feeding us in its advertising. Like I said, I dont want another FSX. I do however want certain aircraft like the P-61, Goose, and Adventurer in it, so I;m looking forward too that.

Keep the blue side up.

Agree on the Ryzen part. My 3700X is really solid.
I've paired it with an AMD 5700XT last week, but I would not recommend it for Windows usage, as AMD's drivers are rather slow. FPS test 55 (maximum image quality with thuinderstorms) gives me 30 FPS in Open GL on Windows and 50 FPS on Linux with open source drivers. Vulkan mode fares a little better at 52 FPS in Windows and 60 FPS in Linux. Both at 2560x1440 pixel. Not much faster than my old GTX1060, but I've bought the card for the long run (the Linux drivers are continually being worked on) and because it's the best deal in the $400 class at the moment.

It seems no one making X-Plane aircraft can make a decent Autopilot. Thats one thing that FSX and P3D had worked out too perfection. You could switch from VNAV-LNav mid flight to ALT-VS-HDG without a blink.

MSFS' default autopilot does not have VNAV capabilities by default. And I remember the stupid altitude capture bug from FSX' autopilot only too well.
MSFS' default autopilot does not have VNAV capabilities by default. And I remember the stupid altitude capture bug from FSX' autopilot only too well.

::LOL:: True but they overcame that about half way through FS9 I believe.. Gods what a nightmare it was.. I remember with the FeelThere birds it was like "Feel Where?? The middle of a disaster movie???" I think it was one of the main reasons I started making flight models ::LOL:: It might be part of what has me hoping for FS2020. There are certain aspects to flying on rails that I miss. While I love my X-Plane deeply, the workload in the cockpit can become intense, especially when you cant trust the autopilot. Its like theres no time to relax and enjoy the flight and I find myself tired to the point of needing to sleep after just a few minutes; whereas FSX and by nature P3D always offered a very comfortable easy experience where the biggest challenge was whatever I made it ( Like PMDGs autoland feature ). I think I'm ready for that again. It may not be realistic, but I got a reality in my chest that tops anything any company can make and thats plenty enough for me..