I think most of those in the "X-Plane invasion" of 2018 went back to MSFS/P3D as their primary simulators or use the "official" X-Plane forums as a source of information.
After a long time of not using XP at all due to all sorts of frustrations (and trying to get into FlightGear), I recently got back into it thanks to the lockdown, frequently working from home and AutoATC, which finally provides an integrated AI/ATC system akin to what MSFS/P3D had (although it still needs a lot of work, but the developer is very active and responsive).
Productive flying is still very rare though and most of my time is spend testing and writing scripts.
I do still take a daily look at MSFS related forums and get the occasional minor itch, but there's no way back for me. Linux is my primary OS now and all MSFS-engine based simulators run like garbage on it anyway.