Giant autogen buildings

Hi, i noticed that from time to time i meet giant oversized autogen buildings around the world, heres example:
View attachment 92526
Anybody have idea what caused this?

I think this is a missing library object (rural or urban) i.e. the object library that this object tries to call is missing. Could also be caused by a .agn annotated for an area that can't be. We had the same problem with my beta in places.

Check the thread from page 9 onwards!/page9

I have tried to list all agn that might cause strange effects. Before deleting the files make a backup. Maybe better to use Ctrl + x to move them to a safe folder!

Good luck, using this method I got rid of all the towers!
Ok, seems i found who feeds buildings with viagra, its GE Pro! Just to test it i replaced all files in "world\texture" folder with default ones and everything went back to normal, then i installed ge pro textures and i had giant house near EDAH again. I meet those giant houses very rarely, but i guess its time to put Ground Environment to well deserved retirement and search for some other alternatives.