Getting weirder and weirder...
A bit earlier tried loading MSFS for the first time today : Hangs at one of the loading screens, only ctrl/alt/del to get back to desktop. Never, i mean NEVER happend before !...
Just tried again, no problem whatsoever, on the tarmac within a few minutes. Used a safe-flight with the F3F. All problems there, erratic behavior of the throttle (not going to the wall for now), pedals returning to neutral on their own, trimwheel returning to neutral if moved. Hopeless! Load the Cessna Skyhawk (dev mode) all's well ! No, not all....trimwheel still returns to mid position after turning it (with mouse, deactivated stick switch).
Also, all of a sudden, no more top menu ! No little arrow turns up at the top of screen.....
(might there be a key assigned to the top menu ?...)
You need to bind throttle1 to your throttle rather than the throttle axis, fixes
Keith, until now i have always had my throttle (either on a flightstick or seperate) on 'throttle axis'. Changing to 'throttle1' didn't make a difference.... Does work now after changing to the Skyhawk. Thanks for your input!
happened to me also. Not only on the Gina (can't talk about the 104 'cause I don't own it), but on other planes too.
Thanks, good to know! ( sorry..;-)
Turned out the update changed the assistance options - piloting to easy.
HOLY-MOLY!! That's it !!
Thank you so much, Italflyer !! Who'd think of that ! ( i certainly didn't, completely forgat about that wreched Assistance thingy !
) Pretty inconsiderate of Asobo to say the least...
Just out of curiosity, Italflyer, where exactly did you come to know about it ?....
Grazie Mille, Amico !!