Glitch Report - page menu bar


I looked all over for the links to the new add-on library and archives, and finally found them hidden under the search window, partly obscuring the left-hand button and almost impossible to see or click on the right-hand button.

View attachment 1197

The screenshot scrap shows the home page, but it looks like that on every page.

Nobody else seems to have mentioned this bug; is it just me?

I use Internet Exploder 7 and Firefox 3.5.7, and the glitch shows in both browsers.

I also noted that the new library indicates one file, a CFS1 item, but when I went to see what our very first addition to the new library might be, I got nothing at all.
Mick, It all works fine for me. The page lay-out is a-ok and the trip to the item in the library produced the file.
OK, I figured out how to navigate the new library and found the new file. I should say files, since now there are two.

Still have trouble seeing and clicking on the buttons that are hidden under the search window, and I noticed that there are a couple links right under there that are all jumbled together; I can't make out what they're supposed to say.

I would just send this directly to whoever will be fixing this sort of glitch, but I don't know how to do that. I don't know if Icky's doing everything himself or if he has help. I hope he has help, but I suspect he's doing it all himself, and I'm sure he has bigger fish to fry right about now.
Mick, are you running your browser in fullscreen mode?
Sorry for this perhaps dumb question, but the only way for me to recap your screenshot is to shrink the browser window's width...



What's IE6 got to do with it? Who said anything about IE6?

Like I said nin the beginning, I use IE7 and Firefox 3.5

I see that I'm not the only one who has the issue in Firefox. I'm sure I'm not the only one who has it in IE7 or IE8 either.
I know it's got to be frustrating, Mick. I've tried about twenty different combinations trying to duplicate what you're seeing. Tried in IE8 and Firefox 3.0.14. but I've been unsuccesful in getting it to jumble up.

Only one time since the new site came on line did the header jumble up a bit (in IE8), but a page refresh straightened it right out. I'm sure one of us will stumble on the fix. Hang tough.
Just thought of something that may or may not be of help. When I upgraded from IE6 to IE8 the pages over at flightsim were all jumbled up. I eventually found the fix after a long search. I don't know if IE7 has this or not, but at the very bottom right is a zoom level (in IE8 anyway). Make sure it is at 100%. Anything over, jumbled up the flightsim web pages.

Anyway, just a thought.

Ironically the problem not duplicate under IE6 .. only problem under Firefox (latest version) :icon_lol:



Prob solved under Firefox by using the zoom function :jump:

Actually I found it easy to duplicate the problem - in one of three ways:

The first method/option is by using the zoom function -- I can't find a "zoom" scroll bar in my FF but it is controlled by CTRL+mousewheel -- so it may be caused/cured by whatever zoom method your system uses. If this fails or your OS doesn't allow it (XP, Vista and Win7 all should), then...

It can be duplicated this way:
simply reducing the size of the browser window forced the overlap (pic 1) and increasing it slightly "cured" it (pic 3)

alternatively, reducing the screen resolution produced the same result (pic 2) -native resolution of my monitor is 1680 x 1050, and the third pic show what it's like at 1024 x 768.

It would appear that this version of VBulletin is optimised for a resolution greater than 800 pixels wide. The Advanced Search segment is hard-coded to the right side and 'on top', so when you have the browser (or the screen resolution) smaller than that it will overlap anything else on that area. As you reduce the width further the button line (Home, Forum, Blogs, What's New, etc. gets pushed down to the next line, overlapping it...

If you aren't running the browser maximized (or nearly so) drag it out (at least in width). If your screen resolution is set lower than xxxx/800 increase the resolution or, if that's all the monitor will produce.... ummm.. might be time to head to Best Buy :kilroy:

I keep my zoom level at 100%. I tried changing it both up and down, and neither adjustment had any effect.

I keep my screen resolution at 800 pixels wide. That works best for my version of FS (FS9); I've seen screenies of how the panels distort with wide screen monitors. Aside from FS, I have other programs and applications, much more important to me than FS, that work best with that resolution.

I'm not about to change my screen resolution just to accommodate SOH, and I shouldn't have to. It would seem that once everything is set up and tweaked, it should work with any common browser and any common screen resolution. The web has gazillions of sites that work just fine with virtually any possible screen resolution, so it's surely something that can be resolved. I know there's a lot to do here and this isn't the highest priority by any means. I don't expect anyone to drop what they're doing and get right on this, but when the dust has finally settled and all the tweakage is complete, I think this issue should be fixable, and should be fixed. I hope so!