Global layer entry limit?


Charter Member
I've been doing some global layer tests lately, and after around 2400 lines some things begin to get wonky. The problem is, there's still a need to add more... does anyone know if there's a limit to them? If there is, I'll just start throwing less used entries out but of course having more stuff would be better.
I have 3628 in my TOW II ! I probably could delete a few but not 1K +! I think my ETO has about the same for period 3. I'm not sure how much of that affects in game play.
I've been doing some global layer tests lately, and after around 2400 lines some things begin to get wonky. The problem is, there's still a need to add more... does anyone know if there's a limit to them? If there is, I'll just start throwing less used entries out but of course having more stuff would be better.
There's definitely a limit to the number of lines in a facility file, which is related. Not sure of the exact number yet but there's a limit none-the-less.
I've been doing some global layer tests lately, and after around 2400 lines some things begin to get wonky. The problem is, there's still a need to add more... does anyone know if there's a limit to them? If there is, I'll just start throwing less used entries out but of course having more stuff would be better.
What happens?
The most obvious was that I had an airfield, the exact same one that had worked before, completely disappear while still remaining selectable as it was in the qclocations file. In the sim however, no trace of it. Went back to an earlier global layer with less entries and it reappeared without touching anything else.
The most obvious was that I had an airfield, the exact same one that had worked before, completely disappear while still remaining selectable as it was in the qclocations file. In the sim however, no trace of it. Went back to an earlier global layer with less entries and it reappeared without touching anything else.
So as a sort of placebo effect check, did you try restarting your PC and then checking again with the large gsl?
Yes, it was like that for several days.

But, perhaps it isn't a global limit for entries but airfields. I had been adding new airfields just before it went nuts, far away from the one that stopped working and with a different facility ID but still. I'll have to add more stuff but not touch the airfields and see how it goes.
I've added a ton of new entries to the Bob install Global layer and have not noticed any missing airfield or other issues in Southern England, and there are many more entries to still add, so I hope there isn't a limit.

Just checked and I'm currently at 1941 entries(this was almost weirdo_O) in the Bob Global layer so hopefully I'm covered for many more entries to come.

Actually there are 1940 bona fide entries if I remove line 1938 which is purely for work purposes.:D

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OK my airbases = 704 lines, factories and other buildings, AA (inc empty land) ballons, UK radar, etc., approx 1.450, LW NJ radar, lights, beacons, ca. 280, City-targets ca. 920, flak ca. 260.
For the purposes of TOW ops, I could delete facilities for South West and North West UK, far N.E. UK.and Southern France. I'm not sure if deleting the gsl entries for those would have any effect, as I assume it's the facilities themselves would be the main issue??

My BoB has 3879 entries and IIRC, no issues in the past. ETO 1943 >3K, but no NJG or BC bases to speak of and no LW radar, lights, or beacons, although I do have a 10 era ETO/TOW install with 5400 entries in TOW era 2!
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I have 721 airbases, and that's in the working file which is lifted from ETO in that regard. The problematic one has 725, a very small difference, but somehow enough to cause something. It really doesn't make sense but I'll keep experimenting to see if something crops up.

Now I actually have a problem. I recently discovered that the ETO global layers don't have all the stock facilities, which leads to some non-ETO missions not working as they're used as targets. Time to figure out a way to check what is in and what isn't.
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