Global Layer help?


Charter Member
Hi All,

I'm having some troubles with ETO's global layer files.

The first era works fine, but when I swap eras to any other era, the airfield selection menu comes up with the airfields codes instead of the names of the airfields.

For example, when I select RAF Hawkinge, instead of seeing RAF Hawkinge, I see "hawk110" or something like that.

I have ETO 1.4 stock, and everything.

Does anyone know of a possible reason for this?

Something didn't load... I suspect confusion in "qclocations.xml" ...Try restarting CFS3. Do yo know about the global layer sdk?

Your global layers are corrupted.

Here's how to fix:

1. Go into your ETO main game folder and look for a folder named CFS3 ETO Expansion READMEs.

2. Look inside this folder for a document named ERA Files Restore Rev 1.40.rtf.

3. Follow the instructions in this ERA Files Restore Rev 1.40.rtf document EXACTLY.

Once you followed the instructions run this *.exe file: CFS3 ETO Expansion ORIFs Re-Install Cumulative Rev 1.40.exe
Just tried it and unfortunately, I had no luck at all. It's still showing the code instead of the airfields name
Chris, have you been modding any files in any way? Apart from era problems this can be caused by typos or name mismatches in the qclocations and global-layer.
Hi All,

Chris, before doing re-install, Start ETO and set it to era 1. then have a look inside your main game folder, you should see folders and loose files named after:
BoB_qclocations, spalsh24b, - Folders bob_missions, BoB_uires

then inside the global layer folder you should see the same set of named files.

If you see 1936_ in any of the file names then the swapper has failed. Now I know the reset method Kasey spoke about above should fix this, but I have found by manully editing the names back to what they should be and then deleting the uisel file in the application data folder will fix your problem.

I have found that when going from one era to another it is best to set you airfield to one that is in all of the era gsl layers, such as fowlmere.

The other thing that will cuase this problem is when you swicth era's and you have been flying from an airfield in the previously chosen era that is not in the current era, it will blank out the enemy plane name selection in the QC mission aircraft selection screen (if you look at the Dog Fight tab). If you fail to see the enemy aircraft selection window is blank/clear and you hit fly for a Dog Fight QC mission it will CTD or lock up, and when you come back into the game the airfields will display as code rather than name.

At this point deleting the uisel file in the application data folder usually gets me back on track.


regards Rob.
Hi all,

I tried that, and again the QC Locations didn't load.

I'm not sure what else to do.

