GMap Comes to FS2004!


Charter Member 2022
For all you navigationally:confused:challenged folk out there (including those who wish they weren't dependant on the MSFS ":wiggle:Map" and GPS)

FSWidgets has got just the thing for you --AND for the upcoming MacRobertson race-- GMap has been around for a bit in FSX but "In recognition of the large proportion of folks in the community still using FS9, it was only a matter of time before the FS2004 incarnation would join the existing FSX and X-Plane versions."

I just did a 700nm run across the barren deserts of Iran (Z16E to OIKK) at 360Kts GS and had no problem following GMap alone to within a mile of destination (decent wx and solely map-reading) using the "terrain" display for most part.

Install is simple: copy one .exe from the zip file to ANY folder on your computer (make a shortcut so you can 'find' it), copy one .dll to your FS9 Modules folder, start FS, start Gmap and Bingo! Works great with multi-monitors - I had it on my second monitor. It zooms, runs as amoving map OR can be disconnected (as I did) so you can do the 'purist' VFR navigation.

The only possible glitch I saw was that for the first few minutes of the flight there seemed to be some conflict with the Altimeter setting in FS (autopilot chased altitudes and required a few hits on the "B" key). This MAY be a bug, or just that my sim was having problems reading the Jepp wx. I suspect a bit of both as GMap uses IE7 and there may be some small issues. About halfway into the flight it seemed to stabilize until a wx update.

Framerates? My FS is a Dell XPS630 (Q9300, 6Gb Ram, 9800GT) and with Firefox, MSFS, Thunderbird, GMap (IE7) running I MIGHT have seen a hit of 0.5 FPS.

Accuracy? I'll post a few comparative screenies in a bit but with FSGenesis I was able to identify individual hills (Google Maps and FSGenesis share essentially the same SRTM mapping) for checkpoints.

Read the documentation to get a feel for the display and a few conditions. However, it's pretty intuitive and looks great. Oh, it also has a "stay on top" function that can be switched on/off. press release

Download page:

9.5/10 :applause::applause::applause:

Comparison screenshots (MSFS & GMap)
Each pair is a screenshot and the equivalent GMap view
(yes, in the third pair I was a bit off course as I approached the NDB
the fourth pair ( on the ramp) it's the default airport so there isn't the accuracy or detail of the Google image (Satellite view)
That looks like some nice software but my only question is if FS Nav pulls it's data from FS for it mapping does GMap just do it more accurately or if GMap pulls its data from satellite images wouldn't it be less accurate than FS Nav because well all know FS isn't totally accurate in it's mapping of things.
I hope you understand the question because I'm not sure I
FS9 wasn't perfect in the mapping. In some cases that explains why there are slight differences (with 15000?? airports they probably rushed a few, used older data, didn't proofread all the lat/long coding) between FS9, FSX and Google. Also the different types of map projection will have an effect.

The differences are minor (as you can see in the shots) unless you are dangerous enough to try a 200 & 1/2 approach using only the Google map for reference :icon_lol:. I just did another flight and after landing on the runway the Google map showed me about 400 ft left of it on the ramp. Since VFR flight minima are 1000 & 3 it shouldn't be a problem.
Great Heads-up, Rob.

Many thanks to Felix Fermin for his wonderful software.