gmax broken?


Hi guys,

I need a little help: somehow my gmax install seems broken!
When starting the program yesterday, I got warnings of some parts not loading. I restarted the program and everything seemed fine. Today I was missing the command panel and tab menu bar. There was no way they would return. I reinstalled the program a few times without success but somehow it found my custom UI automatically each time. I assume that uninstalling left something behind that holds these settings. I then reverted back to the default UI, back to my custom UI again and everything came back, including command panel and tab menu bar!

However, the most annoying part is that when I rotate the view on any object, the object is temporarily replaced by it's bounding box until I let go of the mouse button and then the object re-appears. it didn't do that before and I really can't work like that! There have been no changes in driver settings that I can see. I use the normal drivers that came with my graphics card.

My question is twofold:
1. Can I solve this by altering a setting?
2. How can I do a complete reinstall of gmax, meaning a removal of everything related to the program before reinstalling?


OK, seems I have solved it by going back to an earlier system restore point.

Unfortunately this also screwed up my anti-virus program etc., so I had to re-install that as well. Another evening lost with PC-trouble :)censored: & :banghead:) instead of working on this:


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Hi guys,

I need a little help: somehow my gmax install seems broken!
When starting the program yesterday, I got warnings of some parts not loading. I restarted the program and everything seemed fine. Today I was missing the command panel and tab menu bar. There was no way they would return. I reinstalled the program a few times without success but somehow it found my custom UI automatically each time. I assume that uninstalling left something behind that holds these settings. I then reverted back to the default UI, back to my custom UI again and everything came back, including command panel and tab menu bar!

However, the most annoying part is that when I rotate the view on any object, the object is temporarily replaced by it's bounding box until I let go of the mouse button and then the object re-appears. it didn't do that before and I really can't work like that! There have been no changes in driver settings that I can see. I use the normal drivers that came with my graphics card.

My question is twofold:
1. Can I solve this by altering a setting?
2. How can I do a complete reinstall of gmax, meaning a removal of everything related to the program before reinstalling?




On rotation with a bounding box, there is a Degradation Override button at the bottom of the screen next to the 3D Sap Toggle (magnet), just select that to get back to normal panning without the bounding box.

Re: UI, you should be able to, under the Customize Menu at the top, Select any UI you have or Revert to Startup UI.

Re: question 2, look through your Gmax1.2 folder and you will see various things left behind if you uninstalled the application. Of course, you should not have to delete the folder but if you want a fresh installation, deleting the gmax folder would certainly clear everything else out that is not application required.

I would think once you have a running gmax and setup your new UI, just save it as your custom UI. Do not over-write the original default. Use that as a fall-back.
Like Milton says, Degradation Override: catches us all out sometime. There's a shortcut key for it too. O is the default.
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... On rotation with a bounding box, there is a Degradation Override button at the bottom of the screen next to the 3D Sap Toggle (magnet), just select that to get back to normal panning without the bounding box. ...

Like Milton says, Degradation Override: catches us all out sometime. There's a shortcut key for it too.

Ah, that's it!
Didn't know it was there, don't know what it does but I must have inadvertently struck the shortcut key... If I had known it was that simple, my evening would have been better! Oh well, learned another thing (and there's so much left :biggrin-new:)

Thanks fellas!
Uhm, no - just playing around with your tutorials :adoration:. The exterior is sort of 'harlequined' now. There are still a few VC items that I want to do, there is the fin fillet to distinguish between some models and some refinements are in order. And then I have to clean up to model and remove unseen polys etc. But I did slap a temporary, partial (silly) skin on an older exterior model to see what that would look like ingame.

So we are - slowly - making progress. Respect to all people who have created and published an aircraft from scratch; it is one hell of a job!!


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